
Life's Thinking

By xrspook @ 22:19:55 归类于: 烂日记

Today, I couldn’t focus myself at biochemistry and physical chemistry. I don’t know why, am I too tired that I really a good sleep? Why I must have so much sleep that I could concern my mind in class? Still remember at the very beginning of this term, I could easily concern myself that all the classes seemed inerested to me and I could learn them easily, but now, what’s wrong? There must be some problems.

I’m sure that there’s nothing wrong with my teachers. They are the same, the biochemistry teacher is still humorous, however, what’s wrong with me? I knew he was a good teacher that his classes were all full of positive things and everyone could easily enjoy, but why… 

Still remember when i was a primary school student, I had a pneumonia, and at that time, I had to go to hospitial to inject everyday. There’s a skillful nurse, and her injection maybe the best in that hospital. I believed in nobody but her. But one day, when I had a serious fever and had to have a special injection that something strange happened. She hadn’t inject at me, and I had shrinked. She just touch me with tampon. I  knew she’s the best, but my physical still be afraid of her. I can’t help doing that just as today I did know my biochemistry teacher was a good one however I still couldn’t focus on his class. It’s ambivalent, isn’t it? 

At the way to have Intercultural Communication Class, I was alone and some strange minds rushed into my brain. I suddenly realized that the man who couldn’t give enough money to his lover and the life of them can’t be happy. I remembered some sentences of my mothers’ "Married to you (my father) is the greatest fault of my life. You never changed a little and always stand still. Do you think you have enough money to support me? No, you didn’t and never! You just know read that useless thing, and that can’t make money and make our life better. Having the life with you means i have to be a poor until I dead…"

I completely understand my mother’s feelings. Suddenly I remember that mother hasn’t bought new clothes or shoes for a long time. She can’t do the normal thing of a female, and just exert herself at thinking our how to cut down the cost of daily life…

That’s my mother’s life and what about mine?

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