
Bowling Day

By xrspook @ 19:08:26 归类于: 烂日记

Today I had no classes this afternoon, so four classmates and I went to play bowling.

The sun is shinning, however, all the bird have shut up, do you know why? Because it’s too hot. Wandering on the Zi Jing Road (In fact, it’s a bridge between the East Teaching Part and the main part of SCAU). I was just like an egg on a oil pan, and I was suitable to eat very soon. The road to bowling was an hard work , we were not going to play, we were going to hell step by step. I think, we were killing ourselves at that moment. Waiting buses was also terrible. Standing there, noi wind but shine, I really wanted to find a hole hide in it and never come out. I don’t mind some one thinks I’m a lazy bone, I care nothing, I just want to be comfortable. At that situation, no one could have a good heart to think about others but themselves. I think, at that time my hormone must be very high. If somebody forces me doing  something, I will kill him/her at once without any hesitate. 

Now, talking about the bowling play.

Before this, I don’t think I was too poor to playing such P.E., but now, I realized everything. Just as what I have said, I wanted to dig a hole and then hiding in it and never came out. I was a completely loser.

Still remember when I went to play bowling, I was at primary school, together with classmates and teacher, we really had a good time. However, I had forgotten how bad I was playing at that moment. I’m glad that I was so innocent when I was a little child.

Playing bowling seems a hard work to me, almost all the balls touch nothing and went to channel at once. Of course, it meant I had no point, so I was a very stupid failer. And the worse thing was I hurt my thumb as well. Am I a fool? Because my motion was wrong, so having such a poor result. I could complain nobody but myself. The wound seemed a little horrible for others at that time, but in fact, it’s just little pain, I almost have no feeling about it.

Bowling day means boiling day???

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