
Search For…

By xrspook @ 18:06:00 归类于: 烂日记

After two trounble days, I have a free afternoon at last. You know, compare with the long summer holidays, it seems nothing, but in fact, it really help me to be calm and breath the air.

All the member of my room went out at this "short break", one XX, the others went to d some mony deal and then search the "helping books". 

Our computer teacher had said there was a book store called "TianDing" at some place. but when we got there, there’s not such store. So we had to walk a long way and found nothing. You know, that was noon, the sun is shinning and the people in the street were not so many. We really wanted to give up. There’s nothing wrong with our searching ability, the only reason was that our teacher remembered the wrong name or she just wanted to kid us.

At last, we went into the first store, and bought what we wanted. Though the stores’s name is different, yet we still could buy our book at price of  75% , there’s enough. If we knew we couldn’t find "TianDing", we should buy our book when we went to that store at the first time, and then we could save more energy and save a long way… But I know there’s not "if" in the world. It told me a lesson that if you have a chance, grab it at once, coudn’t hesitate to do it, believe yourself, and believe the God is really giving you a gife.

After that, we went to the Guangzhou Book-selling Center, and wanted to buy some "helping books", but the result was – nothing, we could not find any of our needs!!! What our life will be!!! What my homework will be!!! Must I do the homework very hard by myself during this term at all subject?? A bad news, it’s really a horrible news to us. Without any help, what can we lean on? Ourselves? We should have some confidence about our ability, but…

I brought 3 CDs from Book-selling Center. And one of them is planning to be a gife. Do you know who I want to give? Do you know what is that? Guess! I won’t write it out right now :)


P.E. Class's Trouble

By xrspook @ 18:43:10 归类于: 烂日记

The troubles seem endless to me. The trouble of electricity, and now the trouble of P.E. class. So, I couldn’t go to sleep very well for two nights. I don’t know why I have met so many problems at the very beginning.

Last night, seemed nothing special to me, but in fact, the great problem had come out, and became bigger and bigger. However, I still wrote my blog and compainted the life of yesterday, I didn’t know I fell in a great trouble already.

The knock woke me up a little, some classmates came to ask whether my roommate’s computer could surf online. It’s very strange for them to ask such questions. And then, after a while, we all knew what happened, however, we still didn’t realize the serious of this problem!

The trouble appeared bit by bit, as a result, we became more and more worry… What our great dream will be???

The great trouble was the select of the P.E. class. 2005-08-29 was the first day, and the system of classes select began to work at 8:00AM. And till the moment we realizedthe problem (about 8:00PM) , almost all our dreaming classes had selected by others! Wow, can’t believe! Our classes selection will be last 5 days, but in the first 12 hours, all the classes are almost selected! It meant all people know such thing but us! I was really afraid that I had to choose dancing, keep-fit sports ro volleyball…

So, from that time, we did our best to contrast with our friends, and hoped they could help us. But the result was terrible, we were told that the system of classes select was shut down, the people who wee out of SCAU couldn’t get to the P.E. class select system. Time passed little by little, we couldn’t do anything except waiting for dying or the bright coming out again… We were really in deeply worry.

At last, the last bright came to us with the sun. At the help of sunfruitsfish, we have choosed our P.E. class at this moring. And moment before, she asked me to thank her, so right now I sincerely say "Thank you very much! You are our Goddess in necessary!!! We won’t forget your help even if we go to heaven!!!!!"


No Electricity

By xrspook @ 19:18:00 归类于: 烂日记

Can you believe that the first day, the first day in this term I stay here and meet no electricity! Bad luck, isn’t it?

Last night, I came back here, the Five Hills Students Apartment. I don’t know whether that’s because I was stupid, in fact I can stay at home until this afternoon because I had no classes at Monday morning this week. However, I came back, and met no electricity twice.

First, we burnt out our fuse-wire for using too many eletricity machines at one time. So, others’ rooms were all happy at bright, on contrary, we just could use some little hand lights to keep some necessary activities. Burn out the fuse-wire is always used to us, but why the first night I came here and had to meet such thing! And at about 11:00PM, the mender came to change another fuse-wire, and then I got our bright at last.

However, the bright didn’t last long, because the second one came, and this one lasted longer and tougher for everyone.

Just this morning, no electricity codescended on us again, though at that moment we were all still dreaming. When I got up, I realized the tough situation had happen again. And when we went to get some water from fight fire water, were told this situation would last 10 hours, from 8:00AM to 6:00PM. All of this had put one the billboard, however, no one in our room had noticed such a thing. What a bad luck!

When I was at home, I didn’t feel what was hot, because I sit in front of computer all day long, and the fan also worked all day for us (my computer and me). Now I can’t touch my computer, and have to fight against the hot day. What’s wrong! Study means I have to face the terrible life too? But I know I can stand, nothing can’t be standed though you don’t want to but in fact you have to as well.

No electricity, tough life!


开学前的"last cry"

By xrspook @ 14:23:02 归类于: 烂日记






昨天晚上又找到了一个把滚动条变成透明的方法原来滚动条可以透明! – 经典论坛,而且试过十分实在,不过又十分行不通。利用了把背景的高和宽设置为100%,然后利用<div>命令用背景把正常的滚动条都覆盖了,对这样的确能在普通不用iframe的页面做出透明滚动条,但代价就是CPU的消耗十分的大,结果就是页面如果有marquee就可能一走一停,或者干脆“呆”住了。知道了这个以后我也知道我为什么我用filter: alpha(opacity=60)把模板设置为半透明以后会出现那些“老牛拉车”半死的状况,就是以为以上语句就是一个滤镜,在页面大范围应用滤镜的唯一结果就是——页面半死,除非你的页面真的可以很快很快地打开,但对于所有的免费空间,这几乎是不可能的。所以,所以我利用filter: alpha(opacity=60)的半透明梦可以说是99%破灭了,至于我想打算用半透明的图案在我需要的地方repeat也是不肯能的,我不知道为什么,反正即使在Photoshop做出了半透明的图片,在FrontPage一插入结果什么也没有,透明不透明根本没有区别,反正出来的效果就是一片白,除此以为什么也没有。原来制作半透明的图片覆盖在其它图片上面上什么效果都没有的(我的意思不是在Photoshop里覆盖),比如说在FrontPage有背景图案的前提下加入所谓“半透明”图案是什么效果都没有的。我连那1%的梦想也破灭了。看来我真想那个模板有半透明的效果我就首先要在北京图片那里添加一曾半透明的东西,然后再准确地把日志和旁边的栏目插入其中,除此以外别无他法。哎~~~~~~~~~~~遗憾啊!想以后的模板偷懒只换图片也不行!



喊就喊完了,是时候说再见!¡Chao!  See you  this Friday!



By xrspook @ 21:19:59 归类于: 烂日记


EcoModa 第九集


自己也不能相信,就在昨晚,我又开始翻译了,这次翻译的是EcoModa,《丑女贝蒂》的真正续集,同时翻译的还有在匈牙利杂志上一篇关于JEA的报道,当然,我还没有高深到可以懂匈牙利语的境界,是一位匈牙利的粉丝把文章翻译为了英文我才可以什么什么的,详情请看Epizód(2005-08-24)。至于EcoModa 第九集,则是我第一次翻译EcoModa的东西,以前曾经翻译过,不过还没有完成400字就不行了,但现在的xrspook已经不是以前的xrspook,经过“30篇”以后,我可以说是有点无惧。而且相比于那些对话,这个EcoModa的summary好多了,也好笑多了,没有以前那个“30篇”的饿那些越翻越痛苦,为主角们的遭遇而痛苦。不过为什么我从第九集开始,则是因为以前已经有人翻译了1-8、22和26集,所以我就暂时跳过,以后也应该不会补了,毕竟同一个版本多个翻译就只会另人无所适从。而EcoModa的1-8、22和26集在BLF&EcoModa中文剧情(dj和她朋友的翻译)可以找到。



对不起, 你这个CSS里运用了大量的<DIV>标记. 可以确定的是跟日志部分的<DIV>标签和相关的CSS有关. 但是具体情况不是很清楚. 需要分析完整的代码. 因为您使用的这个不是Blogbus的模版, 代码看起来比较累, 您自己再研究研究吧. 实在不行的话可以尝试在工作日拨打我们的客服热线找美工讨论.

Innocent Sin
Blogbus Web Team





<div class=\"timetitle\">
<div class=\’dititle\’>
<div class=\’diarybody\’>
<div class=\’postBy\’>

如果你们说的我主页代码用了太多的<div>我也是跟你们的模板学来的,你们开始的模板主要运用<table>接着你们就用很多的<div>取代了栏目的很多<table>,把一堆的<div>插到了<td>里面,特别是那些有用线包围栏目,就是栏目显示为一个个框框包着的,栏目条一个<div id=bar>栏目内容一个<div di=barbody>其实这个修改的blog最初风格是很早期的“清新风格”但随着你们模板的发展它就不断改变,直到变成了你们现在看到,令人头痛的模样。





background-color:#ffffff;filter: alpha(opacity=60) }

以后问题就出现了,本来很正常的页面一下子慢了好多,同时marquee的滚动字幕也如http://serving.blogbus.com/index.html那样一走一停,这肯定和页面的load有关系,而我唯一做了修改的就是把<table>的背景用filter: alpha(opacity=60)设置为半透明。几乎可以100%就是那个半透明搞的鬼!

那么说,BlogBus的不能用filter: alpha(opacity=60)设置为半透明?

明白我说什么了吗?我觉得就是因为那句filter: alpha(opacity=60)弄得我的网页http://serving.blogbus.com/index.html断尾和另一个网页http://regalo.blogbus.com/index.html半死不活。难道不能用简单的话语来设置半透明?它会把其它的操作都影响了?!



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