
Birthday Eve

By xrspook @ 22:29:00 归类于: 烂日记

It’s very late now, isn’t it? Because today is birthday eve, of course, it’s not my turn, the birthday is belong to my roommate, and the date is tomorrow. I don’t know what I have written right now. I’m not wirtting Chinese or English, what I have done? Who know?

Tonight we went to Pizza Hut and had a great meal. We had been there for about two and a half hours. Why we could spend such a long time, nobody knows. The happy time always like flying away very quickly. Compare with the Mark’s economy classes at this afternoon, the evening we were in the heaven, however, the afternoon we were in the hell. Just as the ads of Pizza Hut: Happy hours Pizza Hut. We really very enjoyed ourselves there. Not only the food but also teh atmosphere, and the most important thing is we having happy emotion that moment.

It’s the second time for me to go to Pizza Hut, and I still remember the first time that my mother took me there, though the price seemed a little terrible for us, yet we also had a good time. That meal gave me a deep impression. It’s the first time I ate pizza in a western feelings restaurant. It’s delicious, but I still remembered that my mother said we wouldn’t go there again unless I earned money by myself, and at that time, it’s my turn to bring her there to have another great impression again. I’m sure that day won’t be long for her and me…

Return to my happyhours tonight: Three of us did  a good job about making a wonderful salad hill. We were green hand to do that, however, at that time, an heroine came out, and taught us some ways to make the salad became a "hill". And we know now, te more youu want to get, the flatter you must make it be. With stable base, the hill can be more higher and bigger, it heard very easy, in fact, without any experiment, no one will automatcially realize such an easy principle. Thank Godness!

The happyhours has gone, now I must face my endless homework again…

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