
My Own Style (Ⅱ)

By xrspook @ 21:50:00 归类于: 烂日记

Still remember when I was in hight school. my senior threee English teacher Paul Shao told us, if we could write something in English everything, as a result, you would go through the enter examination without any resistance. However, the childsih me at that time just believed the words he had said, but never carried it our. If I followed hsi instructiion, maybe now I’m not in SCAU, but in a better university.

Of course, all of this thinking is impossible, when a thing passed, we can’t manage to control it anymore.

Unconsciously, I follow hsi advice now, maybe I have taken it as a priciple that can’t be replased and can’t be canceled. Now, the daily English writing has become a habites of me, no matter what happens.

At that time, I paid no attention to my gammer mistakes, so I am now. At that time,my teacher didn’t focus on that mistakes and the teacher of now dose the same thing. I believe, if I could think out a problem in English, therefore, I will have no that kinds of mistakes anymore, or I just have the mistake that every English speaking coutries’ peoplle have. In a word, if all the people make the same mistake, it means no mitakes exist. The modern people can change the old form fo arammer increasingly, and without paying too much attention to that subtly changes. So, in my opinion, the world is changing in this unconscious way.

And I must carify something that is the reason of my writing. I write this thing is because of nobody. Nobody can compel me to do that. I write it using all my heart. I take responsible for nobody but the future me. I just want to take a note, a note of my growning up, a note of my life, a note of how a ignorance girl becomes a mature one, a note of the chang of my surroundings including my family and the world. And, that’s my style- for nobody.

I am not the God, I’m not the hero of all the people too. I’m just a nobody, a tiny part of the world, you won’t notice me. Or maybe when you someday surf online, and find me out from my blog(website), I will tell you, there’s such a person live in the world, and that the story of her.

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