
Miracle Again

By xrspook @ 19:55:29 归类于: 烂日记

Thank goodness, the presentation was over. The huge pressure moved away at once. Since I got up, I didn’t know where I was. I repeated my words which I would say in presentation again and again unconsiously. I thought I was crazy,  I was conttrolled by the evil.

The computer experiment was with a little problem. First, the floopy I had used  in the classroom seem with something. Every time I opened it, the computer was holding. The mouse was obsiouse waiting, however, after a long time, no result, at last, the screen just showed the blue background but with no normal icons. That means it’s dead. the only thing I could do it’s  turn it off and then turn it on again. I had tried twice, the situation was the same. And I had tried it out on other computer, nothing was different. So at last, I forgave, my another floopy was dead here again. I don’t know whether it’s because the virus in the computer in classrroom 602 or just the original physic problem itself, the result is, it can’t be used anymore.

The operation of the homework were so many that I couldn’t finish in two classes, though I had stopped typing my diaries. I  must finish them in next classes, what a shame!

Now, the miracle topic begin:

I made a miracle again. I felt all the people in the classroom were move by me, I touched their hearts. No one was happy, after seeing my show, my expectatin was made them to think deeply, or even had tears in their eyes, and I think, I got it. The only problem was the light environment in that room, too bright that my background photo couldn’t show perfectly as my hope. The other one whogave presentation today couln’t compared with me, maybe after mine, he had given up before show time. The teacher didn’t say too much about my show, she made three words comment "Wonderful, Excellent and Marvelous". She asked all the students take me as example, and I had the quality to have a speech in a real oral speech competition.

Am I making a miracle again? Another unbreakable presentation? I wonder, but now, I’m really flying…

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