
Nothing to Worry About

By xrspook @ 19:16:02 归类于: 烂日记

Now, I have proved a principle that when a person is in horrible, he/she feels no afraid. The frighten of tomorrow’s presentation came around for a lot of day. Every day, my brain with nothing except the fear, the fear that I would  fail or be not good enough. The first time was so smooth made me frighten. If I was a green hand, I will have nothing to worry about. No matter fail or success, but now, my hope is higher than that, I must perfort better than my first try and better than others. I need this golden chance to prove I was the best, and the teacher choose me is right. 

Because of my face and the teacher’s face, I have to put all the pressure on my shoulder. Even in sometimes, I lost myself. The biggest enemy of anybody is himself/herself. How I can overcome the me in the past? She was so gaint and seemed unbreakable. The perfort in the earler term made myself be afraid myself.

After a long time mental struggle, I get another thing. Someone has said "A person can’t step into the same river twice." Myself is myself, the past’s and now’s are different. Every great result jsut meant a great job I had done in that time. The blank new life si out there. The life si waiting for me to create miracle again. The future miracle and the miracle had been done are not the same, and couldn’t be compared as well.

My faith that I must hold now is do my best and than nothing to worry about. New hope always comes to the person who have well prepare, just like I’m now.

I have done so much prepare, and I have standed by for such a long time, why I can’t get the golden fruit!

The thing I have to do now is with more confidents, believe the sunshine will come to me again, smile to life, and everything will be OK, there’s nothing is worth me to worrying.

"To go on a journey is often full of hardships, but so long as one lives he proceeds on his life’s journey."

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