
Endless Walking

By xrspook @ 21:45:19 归类于: 烂日记

The bues didn’t come here meant I had to walk for along time, aybe this tearm or evern this year.

The road is so bad that the bus don’t come here, and the environment is too bad, could I not come here to go on my studying too? No! Never!Mo one will allow me to do that including my soul. But why I must stand this?

The building we can see from the classroom are under construction. The trucks are coming and going, the dust lafll from them are too mamy to count. the road is destroyed by them, in such situation, I have no hope that they will build the road, they won’t have time to mend it, and even they have ment it, they wil aslo destroy it at once. If they really do ti, how foolish they are! If they really do it, how foolish they are! If they really do it, they are throwing the money into fire.

So, as a result, our only hope is our school can do something, however, the leaders pay no attention to it, or even they don’t know there’such a problem exist. When my mother telphoned the hot-line of Wu Shan Apartment, they said they were in university inside, and they didn’t know we had such a problem. They are enjoying their life, no one knows our hoorible situation. EVen our school leaders didn’t know, how other people can take care it, even our mother or father don’t love us, who will do it?

The road between the main part of SCAU and our apartment are full of dust and little hills. The road is ups an downs, though it’s no too long, just 15 minutes we can make it. But why we have to use 15 minutes to do this ugly thing. In fact, we have another convenient way and have right no to do that. However, all the normal ways are cut down. We are isolate, and notbody knows our distress.

The ugly road still leads to here. And the dssbright hop is far away. Why I must suffer such things!!!



By xrspook @ 8:10:00 归类于: 扮IT


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