
Great Expertations

By xrspook @ 21:19:55 归类于: 烂日记

Sometimes you will think whether you have great expectaions in future. You will become a great personality ro a normal person forever. Some days you will hope soem mysterious things thell you the dstruth, however, you have known it’s impossible for them can foresee.

I really wanted to be a hero when I was very young. Protect the person i love, and protect my country or even the world, however, I haven’t had special power till now, how I can do that! And the real wrod won’t have UFO, and the ET won’t kill us, hwo can I make my litlle dream come true? Evil can’t overcome the justice, it’s the only thought I hold till now. No matter how difficult the way will to be, I will success at last.

In spite of the impossible dream have become a day dream, I also and other dream when I grew bigger. Such as became a scientist or doctor, maybe the combination of scientist and doctor, just like the heroine of "The X Files". And I wanted to be a policwoman or a firefighter, in that way, I can save people directly. Save others in danger, caputre them from gangs and take them out of fire. The danger for me is not a problem at all, because I never thought about if I didn’t died, but severely hurt, what a great pain I had to face. I never consider the result, I just kept a strong min to be a hero. How foolish I am!!!

I got a message about the real chairman is who has adult reason and care about children. This sentence mad me doutl for a long time, who did it mean? Now, I have asked the author , the answer is she hoped everybody can be such a person. With mature mind as well as a good hear to take care other, it’s very easy and very difficult at the same time. It’s easier than any of my dream, however, it’s very difficult for us to bring it true. Keep banlance between thinking about ourselves and others is very difficult. Because of out benfit, we can’t pay no attention to ourselves, meanwhile, the morality in the deep place of our heart promote us to be intensely concerned  about others.

Great expectation, what you are! Where you are! 

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