

By xrspook @ 19:56:18 归类于: 烂日记



西班牙文的魅力和网络同样厉害。每当什么外国节日我首先想到的是:西班牙文怎么说呢?如同学生日我学会了¡Feliz cumpleaño! 昨天的感恩节就使我知道了día me de Acción de Gracias……为了发这些奇怪语言(对别人来说)我终于自觉地查了西英对照的字典并很容易记下了这些有点特别的单词短语。“亚非拉人民大团结”,因为JEA,我爱上了“拉”(很很爱),因为库切我爱上了“非”(只是一点点),我真的会做到“亚非拉人民大团结”吗?非洲的官方语言除了英文就是法文,我岂不要成为“中英西法”都互通吗?南非的英语是超奇怪的,怎么办?近些日子的早读因为种种原因,已经一个星期没读过西文教材了。我这人怎么只有热情没有行动啊!是个可恶的空想主义!

上个星期离开的时候Yo soy Betty, la FeaCapítulo3已经用eMule下载了99.9%,只差几MB这次应该有得看了,万分期待。完整的一集,高质量的Yo soy Betty, la Fea开头的情节,我真的很兴奋,如果是Armando骑马的那一集,我可能一晚都不用睡了。但也有个隐患,就是电脑死机的次数好象又频繁了,恶兆啊!现在电脑里的东西更是不可丢啊!





Exciting Day

By xrspook @ 19:54:29 归类于: 烂日记

I can’t describe how happy today. All the things were such wonderful.

The beginning wasn’t so prefect. The chemistry classes were the only unpleasant things. Almost all the time I was “fishing”. It meant I woke up and then fell into sleep, but it didn’t mean I was really sleeping; I just opened my eyes but couldn’t accept anything. Or you can say my situation just like “Zhang Fei” can sleep when I open my eyes.

The English classes were talking about AIDS. I can’t believe that the badge of AIDS is Red Ribbon, and I just knew the badge of remembering “311” in Spain is black ribbon. And talking about AIDS can’t take sex apart. The way of transition, and who will be infected AIDS. All of these can’t without “sexual”: homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, drug users, and Latin America, Africa, Caribbean. The things I wanted to know appeared in two classes. Though the teacher just knew a little or she didn’t know anything at all, and had misdirect us. AIDS, the thing we must look it in a right way, we can’t just feel uncomfortable talking it and let more and more people continue to die. That’s an inhuman way to let such things happening.

The most exciting moment was in the afternoon. I had had my 800-metre race. The feeling was not so bad, or you can say it was great. There are 40 people in my tennis class, and we were divided into three groups to have our test. I was the first of my group, though I just the sixth or seventh in the class, but that’s enough. I gained my confident. 3 minutes and 30 seconds, this mark can be contented me. I got the first. I thrust out of the big unit at the beginning of the second round (I had run 400 meters) and then I kept the dominant position to the end. At the last 200 meters, I wanted somebody would catch up with me, and passed me, but nobody did it. I always said to myself “Your biggest enemy is yourself.” I repeated this sentences from time to time, and at last, it made me success. I really got a full mark in college’s 800-metre race; I never did it before. The breath wasn’t terrible, I didn’t like dying, or catching a cold. The only feeling was the tired of my legs, but it didn’t matter, nothing serious!

I had prepared well the English text, so I could very enjoy the classes; I put all my heart in frightening the 800-metre race, and I made it. I can’t describe the feeling this time. And today is Thanksgiving Day (día m de Acción de Gracias) maybe I must thank the God gave me such a fortune day. The little regretted things is I haven’t eaten turkey yet:)



By xrspook @ 19:52:53 归类于: 烂日记

又是阴天,根本不想起床,很快又要冷空气了,但明天是否真的到来还不确定。体育课的800米,一直是the knot in my stomach,如鲠在喉。于是几乎上午9:00才起床(10:00上课)。什么功课都好象没有,但做起来却挺费时。“日头溜溜荡,夜晚补裤浪”在停电之前没事干,停电之后则在烛光中猛写,我真怪死了!

数学成绩下来了,比英语高10分,上了80,我都不知该如何说好,好?坏?不太好,也不很坏。离合格多了很多,比优秀,比90分还有距离,毕竟这次的题目简单。全宿舍我也不是最高分,有人比我高3分,但她那3分是当时最后我告诉她一道3分填空题的,所以形式上是我第二,实际是没有距离。心理也远比收到英语卷时平衡好多,因为身边存在n mol不合格。“胜不骄,败不馁”,为时尚早,不应该有高兴的心理。错了一道不应该错的题目,压抑啊!粗心何时能完全改掉?我根本不知道高等数学考80多分是什么概念?老师老在说那些以前最厉害的考98,99的,那其他人呢?我是什么一个水平?没有对比的标准,这才是我压抑的原因。


下午的专业概论终于到了最后一次上课,是课程介绍,我的专业居然要有2585个课时,要最少拿175.5个学分才能毕业。现在听来,天文数字啊!终于知道了专业的英文名字:Food Science and Engineering,出来以后是个工科学士,engineer吗?专业人士,经管人文那些根本无法与之相比。专业代码是081401,工科|食品纺织轻工|食品科学与工程。这次主讲的教授居然是江南大学82年食品科学与工程的毕业生,现在的江南大学的食品科学与工程是全国最好的,不知道当年又如何?

压抑即blues, depress, 心情沉重,现在来形容它的是如何做饭下调料的“小许”够绝吧!但事实上确是如此啊!刚刚听说黄沾死了,才64岁,肺癌,香港,中国又少了一个文艺界的伟人。还记得他经典的“踩蟑螂”和在厕所里创作的“浪奔,浪流,万里滔滔江水永不休……”经典人士一个个逝去。罗文、梅艳芳、张国荣、黄沾……长江的浪真的会掩盖老一辈们,郁闷啊!压抑啊!


The Opposite Situation as Yesterday

By xrspook @ 19:51:56 归类于: 烂日记

Yesterday my day had a good start but a poor end, but the situation completely changed today. And let me describe the end of the story yesterday. I had my shower in time at last. It’s very thrilling, we just had fifteen minutes to wash two people. I was the last one. The first entered the washing-room, I had to wait three kettles to boil, but they just began, and I had to do some prepare, preparing that if I had to wash in cold water in such cold day. At that time, I hoped my roommate exited quickly at the same time the water could warm quickly too.

My roommate got out in 5 minutes, and the water was also fine at that time. I also finished my shower in 5 minutes. When I got out and started washing my clothes, at the right point, the electricity was cut. We finished our work in time. The end of the unforgettable story was that I went to sleep and the other of my room wrote their homework in candles.

My alarm-clock blast forth rang, but we still hadn’t electricity. It’s 6 o’clock in morning, the time they promised to turn on our electricity. Till I left the room in 6:45, we didn’t have any electricity. They ate their words. To our surprise, other rooms had electricity all the night and also this morning, poor us! My day started in such poor situation.

And when I bought my breakfast, the seller took back me too much money, and I had to accept one more egg, it meant I had eaten two eggs this morning.

The situation started to change. When the chemical experiment lessons. I still had a bad beginning, I did something wrong and had to do the experiment again, and I added too much water by evaporating, so my group had to wait more. Others had finish their works, but I still waited the water to evaporate. But when I finished my evaporating and started my cooling and crystallizing, the teacher told us my experiment was very successful. My long time hard work was worth. Such a small prize made me excited, of course my partner had the same feeling as me. Although after all the experiment the teacher told me our crystal were too small. The crystal can’t be too small or too big. In my opinion, we succeed in this situation and didn’t need to do again is a good achievement.

The electricity was turned on after all my classes were over. The electrician checked the line and found our fuse wire was broken. All the problems were solved till now. Have no homework to do and I had done that I need to do. What a good day!

I prefer the poor thing become well.



By xrspook @ 19:50:33 归类于: 烂日记








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