
Cloudy Day Made Me Upset

By xrspook @ 2:40:00 归类于: 烂日记

I like the sun is shining, and the birds are singing, and then my happiness is coming. I don’t like cloudy day, it made me think about poor things or boring things.

The rainy day I also don’t very enjoy. But as I live in Guangzhou, I have to face it every year. In the cloudy and wet day, everywhere is in cold and moist, you almost can smell mold just around you. The fortunate thing is that the climate in Guangzhou is not Mediterranean Climate. The summer is hot and dry, but the winter is cold and wet. This kind of climate appears in J.Z. Coetzee & Garcia Márquez stories, just when I read them, I hate that weather, and it makes heavy and me upset.

It is a long time that I haven’t seen rain here. A lot of places are too dry to grow crops and food, thought I don’t like raining, in heart, I really hope it rain. The cloudy day let me feel, as I can’t breath, it’s so suppress. When the English class was going, I heard “sha”, and then looked out of windows, it rained at last. It’s the second I met rain in South China Agricultural University. The first I was still in military training, and that experience was so terrible, but this time, I just needed to sit in the classroom and shared the moment.

今天的风好象大了,天真的凉了吗?昨天的蚊子弄得我无法入睡。为什么广州的秋天看不到黄叶纷飞,却见雨了呢?什么秋高气爽,怎么我没有一点感觉?树叶没黄,因为五山公寓这里连一棵大点的树都没有,地上的草全黄了,不知是不堪8000多人的践踏还是因为开始它们秋天的新衣,正准备着冬天的休息,然后决定明春再闯一番新事业呢?它们有如此长远的计划,但我却没有,我连明天要干什么,为什么要干,怎么干都不知道。 我没有“I want it that way” instead I have no way in my brain.

The wind is bigger, the rain is heavily, but my brain-storm hasn’t come.我不是幻想家,绝对绝佳的设计理念,甚至我连自己都预测不到。如果要用一种颜色形容今天,一定是灰色,没有重点,没有激越,没有脾气,没有欢乐,什么都没有,“xrspook in the middle”,是一种不死不活,不上不下,不左不右的状态。

今天,是一个同学的生日,昨天努力的查字典,学会了一句西文¡Feliz cumpleceños!—Happy birthday!到此为止第一句为用而学的西文。

Cloudy day, upset me.

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