
To be a Designer

By xrspook @ 2:50:48 归类于: 烂日记

My class is going to make our own clothes and flag. So every dormitory must designs their owe one. “The fire burns high when everybody adds wood to it.” A united people are like a strong city fortification, everyone must do something for it.

I always thought to make “Food”, “Science”, “Three”, “Zero” and “Four” together in a sign to be our badge. Of course I must choose the first letters. In math classes, when the teacher was not speaking something, I would go to in my mind to unite those things together. I was not a professor designer; I hadn’t had any class about it before. The only thing I had was a warm heart, and a very pressing hope. After many times failed, I got an idea!
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The second one is my first designs, but it is void of the letter “S”, in fact, it is easier to understand. The first one is more activity. The shape of “S” hair, it’s very modern and meaningful.

And then we also must design four sentences to be our leading words: “超越自我,激励成功”,”Just do it”,”‘食’力无限,’品’劲十足”,”活力无限食工(3)”. The second I repeated we are not the professor of advertisement designers, so the sign and the words maybe also terrible and can’t bring to the others, but sincerely, they are all made by us in heart. Also, we wrote a Fido Dido in the back of the clothes (the 7 up’s model) in his (Fido Dido) shirt, we will write our number. At first we want to write some Chinese character in the right and downs side of the shirt, but you know, the Chinese character are too difficult to write, so at last, though we had such design, we gave up.




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