
AIDS Need Us to Pay More Attention

By xrspook @ 22:53:22 归类于: 想当年的作业

AIDS, a very serious topic. It's very necessary for us to pay more attention. But because of different kinds of problem, we can't envisage the things. I don't know why people made out that kinds of disease but they didn't have courage to accept the fact.

Because of AIDS will lead to sex, and in China, if the things touch sex, people will get away from them. They are afraid of talking about AIDS, if they do so, they will be laughed at morality. Because of their unmorality manner, so they get such thing. But the fact is far from that, AIDS's transimitions are blood and semen. The most chances in China get AIDS is blood instead of semen.

In a village, almost all the mature are infected AIDS. Because they were so poor, and the men had to went out to sell blood. And unfortuntaly, the blood trasfasion inttrument was not clear, so they got AIDS. And they went on having normal sexual life with their wifes, so their wifes had AIDS too. AIDS is a immune deficiency disease, and till now it has no drug can cure it. The adult in village died one by one, just left the old and youngs, let many of children became adopts. The village of course became more and more poor. And this was not the only case in China, many poor and developing places still have the same thing been happening.

AIDS let all the people suffer a lot. We must changed this situation, and firstwe must let people accept AIDS, clear their thoughts of AIDS must unmorality thing. People must be able to speak it bravely and then they cna pay more attention at it. Escaping is not a good way to solve this problem. The citizens must accept this thought first, and let it spread to villages, use the city around countries idea, to let all people know the problem. The problem will be solved, just after everybody know it.

Most of AIDS cases happen in develping countries, so we must pay more patient in teaching them the way to aviod AIDS. We can teach them how to be rich in a right way, and never let selling blood happen anymore. Though this solved way is hard and long, as the problem is made by ourselves, we have responsibility to solved it.

We must envisage AIDS, the people need all of us to care. Everybody pays more attention, the world will become more and more beautiful and full of home feeling.



By xrspook @ 0:07:11 归类于: 烂日记


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