
Some Knots In My Stomach

By xrspook @ 0:46:35 归类于: 烂日记

Because of tomorrow sports meeting, I couldn’t go home today. It’s really an extremely good chance. Because of 0.5point, I miss a golden chance. After three weeks we will have tennis test, but now I couldn’t control my ball, as I liked. And the most terrible thing was I had to have 800-metre race test next week or the week after the next week. 800-metre is my biggest knot. Every time I afraid of it very much. Maybe for it’s terrible process, it just continual a few minutes, but during this time I will just like going to the hell and then coming back, the bad feeling can’t describe by words. All the muscles of your body are very tired, and your breath heavily, each breath you can feel the pain from your nose, you mouse, your trachea and your lung. Your body no matter inside or outside is in a more unconformable state. And then after the nonhuman 4 minutes, I will like catch a terrible cold for a week. So I like all the sport except 800-metre race, I can’t stand that horrible feeling. So now, I began to be afraid that test, though I know I must past or get a full mark, I really hate that test.


可恶可恶,今天晚上听的又是那个党委的“梁主任”。军训期间已见识过他说话的厉害,普通话极端不准,说话长气得无法形容,今天又是他经典的“今天我们的话题就从这里开始”,此时,全场04大一新生都发出了起哄,回想一个月前军训期间在开大会的时候,以为他要说完,谁知说了这句话,使我们掉进了深渊……虽然环境不同,但我们还心有余悸,惊弓之鸟嘛,心有感触。这个讲座本来是有0.2分,但我们的学术手册还没到,以为可以来拿,谁知其他人都有,今天又要上交才有0.2分,这不是耍我们吗?扣留了我们的手册,又搞到我们白坐2个半小时,很讨厌,决定明晚一定不去开它的会员大会,哼,give you some colour to see see(胡说)。

How can I solve my knot?

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