

By xrspook @ 17:55:49 归类于: 烂日记


今天早上我8:15就起床了,为的就是下载Telemundo Feedroom的200KB/S的videos,太惊讶了,居然有了,而且还多了5个,二话没说开始下载。多的5个都是最后大结局的东西。很多都是我想看的片断。于是开着“影音传送带”就开始努力。然后关掉IE6,说来也奇怪,我的IE6虽然被关闭了,但在任务栏还会逗留一短时间,也不知道从什么时候开始的。反正用“金山毒霸”和“金山毒霸木马专杀”就查不出任何问题。我的至爱浏览器是sleipnir(绿色软件)偏偏在浏览Telemundo Feedroom就不正常,不得不开IE6。

下载上了正轨就开始我的网游。在9:35AM左右的时候,终于下载完毕了,我看的最后一集剧情也只剩下最后一大段。当然啦,看的时候还是西文翻英文。于是先看看刚刚下载回来的“大结局片断”,看完以后就开始我的最后一段翻译阅读。就在这时候,翻译网站发疯了“该页无法显示”,有试了试www.google.com也不行,我的心凉了一大截,于是到运行打开“winipcfg”,“释放”我的天!“IP自动配置地址169.254.112.176”我晕,简直就是死亡的噩耗,在看看“DNS服务器”,是空的。不死心,按释放、更新。然后是漫长的鼠标等待,但我已经抱有99%的绝望了,果然跳出“错误 DHCP服务器不存在:更新适配器”。我完全死亡了,断网了,100%断网了。









By xrspook @ 23:41:53 归类于: 回忆录

经过风雨的洗礼,历尽沧桑,我的杰作终于面世了!!!!记得当年曾经写过兴奋、害羞到失落 – 烂日记










By xrspook @ 22:05:00 归类于: 烂日记





让我欣慰的还是http://www.jorgeenriqueabello.net/展出的几个videos,是Anita, no te rajes剧组上电视节目

,和一个简短的JEA采访,真的简短得很厉害,只有651KB(所有连接一律即可下载)。真的笑死我了,在Video 3里面JEA来了一段(20秒)好像唱成三高的东西,简直就是无法形容的搞笑,接着就听到那些摄影师导演之类的幕后人物在黑暗处不断地说“encore, encore, encore……”当然啦,还有拍烂手掌,除了好笑之余,还有一点点的好看,因为唱的时候,因为某个音JEA要拉长,然后手臂就在不断地打圈圈,一共打了7~8个,简直就笑到我快不行了。他不能拉就不要拉,偏要这样子,根本就在捉弄大伙儿,他肯定不知道当时的摄影师把他的一切全拍下来了,而且还是从不同角度。NG的时候,看来摄影师还是挺忙的,要不就看不到这些了。

不过总的来说我还是失落大于高兴,结束了,我要找别的东西继续cheer up自己!


Protection of Environment (publish on weekend)

By xrspook @ 21:48:00 归类于: 想当年的作业

Maybe you have realized the blue sky together with the birds freely fly on it are less and less, however, have you realized the abundant animals are dying out, the diversity species are reducing every seconds? As the contaminations of the chemical are eating our earth and the pollutions of the posionn are extensive to the water we will drink. The nature is crying, the environment is breaking, as one member of the world, all of us have responsiblity to protect it.

The massive acapaigns which are waged by governments really work, but it's far from enough. The fund establish by other organization make a great effect, but it's also not enough. All kinds of finlances came out, and the number of the sponsors is bigger and bigger, yet in my opinion, something remains to be not enough. We haven't touch all the heart of everybody, people didn't realize the significance and necessary of the environment protect, how they will do it automatically? And that's the problem.

Promote the environment protection to everybody, no matter at what way. The fact indicated that the people who destroy the environment the most is who don't know the important of environment protection very well. All their care about is the benenfit they get, they pay no attention to their actions cost. They never thought about the series terrible things pass to the next generation. Our main regenerate target is them., we must use horrible result to impact them, induce their automatically convert, let them protect enivronment when they are making their ambitious project come true.

Let the enormous hearts to one target-protect the environment, all the people coordinate their efforts to it. Nothing is impossible! Work on it by our souls, we will lead the bright succeed road to environment protection one day!


To be or Not to be

By xrspook @ 21:23:41 归类于: 烂日记

A famous Shakespeare, but my meaning is not other to be killed or not to be killed, my real meaning si the fact show i to be killed or not to be killed. Time is shorter and shorter, meanwhile the holiday is coming, however, a lot of tests are coming too.

Such as the English presentation next Thursday, and the tennis test in the 9th week. And the fact is we can't play just a round, she can't catch my ball and me too. How we can play 6 rounds in front of our teacher when having test! It's so terrible for all of us, I will die except the miracle happen or the P.E. teacher has died or become a blind. I' m really very anxious now, why my partner hasn't paid any attention at it, she just wait for the terrible result. How I can convert her? Conver her spirit completely from forgiving to get a good mark. Just my hard work means nothing, without team work and we try to adjust each other, I personaly think, I will die without any double.

Long time be a single, I can control myself very well, I can see a person as he/her doesn't exist. But now, I must coordinate my partner's and my effort to finish the job. The target is out there, I want to come near to it, but my partner not. She has given up now, how I can give her a great impact? I know, that's my dream, my hope, but not hers, do I have to forgive because of her, because I have no idea about it?

The people had presentation today were very good, yet, I must do better than them, a shock, I want to give a shock to everybody in the classroom. How can I do that? How can I touch other with my true feeling?

After the conversation with my classmate, I know the fact of read and write trouble in European language. Many people who say European language have such trouble are very common. And the fact of it is they will see the words in different spell, read the same characters in words but in different order. It sounds a little impossible, and that's world, that's the miracle happen in human. So poor our JEA is!!!

My destiny, to be or not to be???

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