
Be Myself

By xrspook @ 21:15:27 归类于: 烂日记

The chemical experiment classes came again. I felt a little afraid about it because the teacher said the classes had done it yesterday spent a long time to finish it. I was very slowly when doing each experiment, what I will be? The truth is out there, however, I must overcome it, so I felt a little light after thinking that. Be myself, nothing is impossible, in spite of any difficulty, they will become my defeating one.

With this mind keep in brain, I am doing my best to work. Pay all my haeart in ti, the little afraid can’t disapart me a little. Do the job as fast as possbile, as good as I can. Come and go in the classroom, shout at someone, ask for something. I was doing experiment, nobody cna distract me or stop me.

At last, the end was coming. It’s like a miracle to me. My speed was OK, the experiment could finish in time, without extra time plus. And the result it’s not so bad too, the last production output is 46.99%. I was content with that result yet it’s still not very perfect. I had do my best, I have nothing to forgive, so I’m happy.

The English classes in afternoon was so strange. Most of the people were late. Our class was beginning at 2:30PM, but till 2:25PM, just a few people had come. i don’t knon what’s wrong. Now I felt the English classes were so boring, but I still could easily focus myself in them better than other classes. I felt mor comofrtable when seeing English than in Chinese, though I don’t know the meaning of it very will, or I often gusee the meaning and make a big mistake, however, I still love it. I don’t know why!!! At the second class, the teacher asked me to answer a question. At that time, I really enjoyed myself, maybe for other will feel shame and have nothing to say, but for me, I was very exciting. Think out a short passage in English and then speak out loudly have become a self reaction to me, though the pattern may heard a little strange (Chinese form), at least I have words to say, and have a lot of confident to say. I think that’s the result fo everyday English writing.

I can be myself, it’s great. Express the things easily in English, so I feel good.


Finish PA Essay

By xrspook @ 21:08:05 归类于: 烂日记

The thousand people square was over yesterday, we got 20 money per person. Though is seem the harvest is not very perfect, in fact, I have been very satisfy this ending. WE have out best day in the sun and I had reap so many experiment. So I am pround of what we had done.

I don’t know what guy I am. I left WuShan apartment, the only proper is writing my diary, and maybe finish my PA essay. If I don’t make it in a short time, it will become my knot for ever. If I don’t make it, I can’t focus my heart on anything. And the presentation in the next Thursday, a long time ago, I know what I want to say, but now, there’s no mind in my head.

Because of them, I can’t sleep well, though I had done a good job yesterday, and the physics body are collaging. I was awake at 6:30AM this morning, and fell asleep again until 9:00AM. And then opened the computer went to where I have to go. I don’t know whether there is something wrong with me. Most of the place I go is Spanish websites, how I can bear? Translate them in English and then use other sotware to read, it has been a fox way for me and I tke it easy. And even in sometimes I can get the meanting without translation. Yet, when I open the Spanish test book, I find I am a stupid, I don’t know almost everything. What person I am?!

After a long time minds were surging in my brain, I finally had some idea to write my PA essay. 2000 characters is not a big problem to me, the biggest problem is I haven’t paid may attention at my public admisistration class. And even I don’t know what Manage of Administration is.

I have finished now, but I still don’t know what I have written. I controlled mayself from scold the government department of public administration. You know, it’s really a very difficult thing to me. Because of long time blog writing, scold has been a very common way for me to write any essay, including this one.

I have write about 2880 characters, something wrong with me, if I started my writing, I can’t stop any more.

Public Administration Essay, you’re ending.



By xrspook @ 0:08:00 归类于: 扮IT





Google boosts Gmail storage space
04/01/2005 09:00 |
Judy Westcott
To mark the first anniversary of its Gmail email service, Google has announced it is doubling the storage space to 2GB, up from the current 1GB storage space.

The increase in Gmail storage space is effective today and Google says it will continue to increase storage space based on user needs. The Gmail has also been enhanced with rich text formatting and the ability to color text in over 60 different colors. For a full list of features, check out http://gmail.google.com/gmail/help/about_whatsnew.html



By xrspook @ 21:47:35 归类于: 烂日记



回去买了个面包,在上楼的时候匆忙吃掉,好久都没有这样子吃东西了,一边走,一边吃,然后还要急忙地走。在上到4楼之前,把面包解决了。然后就马上换上班服人马上精神了不少,然后又在极短的时间内喝完咖啡,然后就 开始了一天的忙碌。

搬着椅子来到广场,正在研究如何把我们超大的“SOHO(酥蚝)”(英文原意是Self Office Home Office,这次叫做这个名字完全是因为这个发音和广州话的“酥蚝”完全是一样的。我随便心血来潮的思维成为了我们的店名,真的有点成就感,总算为大家做点什么了)招牌打出来,真的超大,是用2张A0的东东做的。开始是想挂在我们铺对面的一个电灯柱和一根木头上的,但是木头实在太臭了!摇来摇去根本没办法固定。于是只好找来两根竹子,然后把它们固定在我们铺的帐篷的柱子上。真的搞了一大轮,从好不好看,到实不实用,到可不可行。直到做出来了问题怎么出现,该如何解决。大东西最终都放到了铺面的头顶。我们的铺面朝东,早上的阳光照在闪闪发光(洒了金粉)的LOGO上,简直就是全场亮点之中的亮点,我们的招牌成了我们“那条街”最抢眼的东西。然后就是把班旗挂在铺的后面当背景,同时成为远处观察我们的一个标志。















By xrspook @ 22:49:05 归类于: 烂日记





今天在http://www.jorgeenriqueabello.net/novedades.htm看到JEA的一篇叫做La gracia de ser Abello的东西发现原来他小时候直到大学的时候都存在读写障碍。听起来实在太神奇了吧!一个有读写障碍的人能当一个如此出色的演员?那么他的台词是怎么背的。如果说他是有读的障碍,那么他被台词的时间岂不是普通人的N倍,把一切专注都投在读的方面,他如何会有表情,但他却做到了!如果说写把,那也讲不通啊!因为他写的东西老是看上去很深奥的,况且外国的字母也远不如中国的汉字麻烦,搞来搞去还是那么27个(西班牙文,多了一个ñ),怎么有写的困难?是单词到最边怎么都写不出来吗?不过他写的字也真的够臭的,就如下面:

"Tiene un sentido del humor negro muy inteligente", dice Marcelo Cezán sobre el actor. (Marcelo CezánAnita, no te rajes中的DavidEduardo的好朋友)说这是一个很有黑色幽默天赋的演员。)
“Que Jorge esté en el set es una garantía que uno se la va a pasar bien”, dice Montero (izq.), quien comparte créditos con Abello y Natalia Streignard en Anita, no te rajes.
(来自TELEMUNDO的评价:MonteroAnita, no te rajes的女主角)说Jorge的存在使拍摄顺利。)
“Si piensas que eres mejor que nadie por tener una mejor posición en el medio del entretenimiento, estás muy equivocado”, recalca Abello.Abello强调说,如果你认为因为你是娱乐表演的中心人物,你就比别人好,那么就大错特错了)


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