
Vamos, Vamos

By xrspook @ 19:03:21 归类于: 烂日记

Because of the endless dream online, I had to get up at 5:45AM, and left home before 6:00AM. The sun still had behind the houses in city, the people in the street were extremly less. For a long time, I didn’t have such experience, since I left high school, that day has left me without saying goodbye. However, this feeling came to me again, a person, no feeling, vamos, vamos, the target was bus-stop and the school was far away.

"Looking at the crowded street, listening to my own heart beat…" I really want to be at that surroundings, just watch many people ups and downs, pay attention to their facial expession and their actions, happy and angry, boring and excited, however, I don’t have such time and such environment to do such thing. Every day, I must be the busy one of them. Have no won thought, finish my task, finish all the homework is the only thing in my mind.

The sky was dark, and it’s raining I really want to sleep in my bed and then surf online as I wish. Read the nwes of JEA and the world, of course, including my own blog- Mi Cielo, and my dream of website building. I was the opposite person when I am online and in real world. The part of me when online, I am so upward, and active but in fact I have little words with other an dpassive. Who knows how to change this funny situation? If two fo me can combite together, what a great!

At last, after with 226 for half an hour, I arrived at Wu Shan Apartment at 7:20AM. I got it, I wasn’t late. The physic experiment was smooth as the first time, and even be smoother than the first one. Just made some data, and then take a mark, that’s all. It’s much easier than the chemical one, so sometimes, physic is the easiest thing in the world, you don’t understand any principe of it, however, you can do it our without a hitch.

Too tired of me, so I fell asleep in the noon, and still be too tired when having physic classes in the afternnon, so I don’t know what I have heard or learnt.

I really want to escape from such life!!!


Generation Gap can be Changed (for presentation on Thursday)

By xrspook @ 17:58:00 归类于: 想当年的作业

As everybody knows, generation gap exist, our home, our country and even the world. It comes to us so silently that we haven’t realized, however, it also left away without words, because we can solve it easily.

Still remember the day in senior three. I had no words with my mother, we didn’t have the same topic except my study and my mark. Because at that time, the study was not my pride, but my shame, so I wanted to escape, I refused to answer all that questions. As a result, at last, she just could asked, "What have you eaten today? ". Yet, I was too tired to that question, consequently, I shut my mouth solidly, and the bridge between us was cut down.

As the enter exam was over, I had a lot of time at home, surfing online I shared the happiness with her, despite she couldn’t understand most of my words, yet she tried her best to understand me. From that time, I opened a window to her again, and found the generation gap was recovered little by little.

As I enter the university, the life changed a lot. Sometimes I even found I was a child that I didn’t know anything and couldn’t consider something perfectly. I really need someone to lean on, and at the very time, she became my hero.

Because of my ignorance and my childish, she suffered a lot. Because of my carelessness, she had to come here again and again. Every time when she left, I would think what I had been satisfy, but I never noticed that she was 57 years old, and the roads leading to here were full of dust. The temperature was downing, the evening was coming and the people on the bus were more and more. I still had a comfortable dorm, however, she must face all the suffers. Because of me, she was willing to stand everything. And then, when she’s at home, she would think her only child day and night. Contrary, when she called me by telephone, I was so rude to her. Have such a great mother, why I never value her! Why I never think out a problem at her side?!

The generation gap was not made by our parents but us. We dig the gap , meanwhile, we can recover it as well. Use all our heart, feel at their angle, and we’ll know how to made it.

original essay: “代沟”能改变
(This passage is just translated from the origianal one, and for presentation.)

Generationn Gap can be Changed


Too Busy Life

By xrspook @ 17:57:49 归类于: 烂日记

The line of online was cut off again. I can’t help falling into be sad. The sun has gone, I feel very alone, no hope, I want to escape. No dream within my mind anymore.

Today is so busy that I have to explain all of them in Chinese. So now, language change begin:








在“拜山”期间,我与妈在昨天去不去“拜山”的问题上又大大地吵了一架。那时,我真的有我到底值不值为她写“Generation Gap can be Changed”的疑惑,我值吗?









By xrspook @ 17:55:49 归类于: 烂日记


今天早上我8:15就起床了,为的就是下载Telemundo Feedroom的200KB/S的videos,太惊讶了,居然有了,而且还多了5个,二话没说开始下载。多的5个都是最后大结局的东西。很多都是我想看的片断。于是开着“影音传送带”就开始努力。然后关掉IE6,说来也奇怪,我的IE6虽然被关闭了,但在任务栏还会逗留一短时间,也不知道从什么时候开始的。反正用“金山毒霸”和“金山毒霸木马专杀”就查不出任何问题。我的至爱浏览器是sleipnir(绿色软件)偏偏在浏览Telemundo Feedroom就不正常,不得不开IE6。

下载上了正轨就开始我的网游。在9:35AM左右的时候,终于下载完毕了,我看的最后一集剧情也只剩下最后一大段。当然啦,看的时候还是西文翻英文。于是先看看刚刚下载回来的“大结局片断”,看完以后就开始我的最后一段翻译阅读。就在这时候,翻译网站发疯了“该页无法显示”,有试了试www.google.com也不行,我的心凉了一大截,于是到运行打开“winipcfg”,“释放”我的天!“IP自动配置地址169.254.112.176”我晕,简直就是死亡的噩耗,在看看“DNS服务器”,是空的。不死心,按释放、更新。然后是漫长的鼠标等待,但我已经抱有99%的绝望了,果然跳出“错误 DHCP服务器不存在:更新适配器”。我完全死亡了,断网了,100%断网了。









By xrspook @ 23:41:53 归类于: 回忆录

经过风雨的洗礼,历尽沧桑,我的杰作终于面世了!!!!记得当年曾经写过兴奋、害羞到失落 – 烂日记








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