

By xrspook @ 19:53:55 归类于: 烂日记

这两天一直在听着这个组合一首叫做Rosas的歌,是因为前两天有位叫做Dylis在我这里留言然后我就去了客人的Sigue los caminos…… ,就听到了Rosas。挺好的,大家也听听:la_oreja_de_van_gogh-rosas.mp3 其实,我根本就没有欲望要弄懂它到底在唱什么,好听就是了,需要把歌词弄的100%明白吗?能从歌曲中感受到轻松和快乐,还不够吗?如果要100%明白,那么我们这些small potato就别想去听歌剧了……







By xrspook @ 17:50:03 归类于: 烂日记



中文的也许有的人还可以蒙混过关,但英文的简直好像要他们某些人上吊了。除了有好多好多不懂的单词,还有很多很多因为没有听课而不知道的技巧,加在一起不去上吊还能做什么。对于那些搜索出来一堆的外文很多人无所适从,无从下手。特别是在SDOS系统,没有用高亮表示出搜索中了的词语,的确有些麻烦,但要在一句只会一些介词和连词的专业文献里找自己要找的东西其实也挺难和挺容易的。首先,因为一个句子除了上述说的两种词语就是你要找的那些词你能看懂,于是就省却了好多琢磨的时间,你不知道那个蔬菜或者水果是什么,你不知道它在写某个脂肪还是蛋白质的名字,但你需要知道这些吗?一个单词,你已经认出了它的词根,它是动词、名词还是形容词你有必要了解得如此清楚吗?也许,在真正琢磨文献的时候我们必须了解,但对于只是搜集信息的我们只需要知道个一点点就好了。它是determine, determined等等我们都不需要了解,一个determin$(FSTA)或者一个determin*(SDOS)就代替了。它们的某个相同或相近的意思就是“测定”,其它的我不管。在FSTA看那些英文的我从来不觉得是个折磨,FSTA(OVID系统)有用红色把搜索命中的词标记出来,感觉和在Google搜索一样,而且比Google方便多了,因为我可以用各个技巧的东西把要搜索的词语联系起来达到我要达到的效果。也许是我习惯找一些我根本不知道是什么的东西了,比如说用Google搜索西班牙语的资料。所以看到那些一堆堆砌起来的专业英语我根本无所谓畏惧,让风雨来得更猛烈些吧!即使那样,也没关系。




By xrspook @ 18:01:53 归类于: 烂日记

This is high pressure steam sterilizer, which I have to use in sterilizing during the biology class. This one seemed better than ours in SCAU microbiology lab. Next time I must write down where they came from and how long have they served. The shape and the color are terrible, and the method of using they are also out of date. The way you operate most of them is a manual work, at first you should control when to deflate that’s because we must sure the air in the sterilizer have gone and there’s only vapor inside, in this way, we can make the temperature in 0.105MPa is 121℃, and just in this temperature the microbe would die.

This morning, our teacher asked my partner to look after the sterilizer and service for all classmates. I don’t know why the teacher ask nobody but her to finish such kinds of mission, maybe our teacher really hope all the people in his class can earn something useful after that. However, my partner went to search her information about her searching class, and I became the one beyond the sterilizer and worked for my class. I’d happy to do that, yet, maybe I have done a wrong thing, for I robbed the opportunity of others which they would reap something. Maybe sterilizing with that antique was very boring, nevertheless, it control the result of all the experiment. Though doing this seems waste of our time, and if nobody did it how our experiment could continue. I don’t think I could be careless in this process, in hence, I did this thing again and again.

Some of my classmates don’t like microbiology experiment, but can anyone tell me what’s wrong with it? Why can’t they enjoy when they have a good teacher? I have the same feeling just as the essay I have written yesterday about my chemistry teacher in middle school.

I am not the God, and even though I’m the God I can’t control the feeling of others. They have their freedom to decide what their favor is, the only thing I could do was give them some suggestion. Why not enjoy the experiment, though some processes of them are really boring. In my opinion, once the first step you walk on the road of science, you should know clearly that you should have preparation for doing some boring thing and repeat the same step again and again with no result.

Now, I have been ready!



By xrspook @ 20:18:50 归类于: 烂日记







All Day in Food Chemistry Experiment

By xrspook @ 19:05:09 归类于: 烂日记

I don’t know what I should put as the title picture today, so now I choose nothing instead.

Before today, I had known it must be a hard time, because we should spend more than 10 hours in it. We had heard that the experiment of the competitive one of Food Chemistry was terrible than any one we had met. The experiment started at 8:30 AM, and after about 5:00 PM, our team finished and left that horrible place. Even at that time, there were still some groups continuing their experiment. Yet it has better than I thought, at least we could come back to dormitory before the sunset. We never stopped for a minutes except having our lunch.

This is the only way if you want to do something in science. You should have competition with time, once you lose the best time; you have lost the whole battle.

The teacher is a male. For the first sight, I felt he just liked a father, and don’t know how to express him very well, maybe that’s because he was not good at speaking mandarin as my father’s level. He said a lot at the very beginning, and many people almost fell asleep during that time, however, I didn’t. What he had said was useful, nevertheless, my classmates haven’t paid attention to, and I felt a little regret for them. They really let a good chance went pass by them.

Today I realized fishy smell that I never felt when I was eating in the past. That kind of smell I won’t’ forget all my life. When I was doing the grinding, the fishy smell rushes into my nose and chisel in my brain. How terrible smell it was!

In short, even though it was a little hard and tired for me, yet I really reaped meaningful experience from such kinds of experiment.

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