

By xrspook @ 10:14:48 归类于: 想当年的作业


2020年11月4日 星期五 小雪









By xrspook @ 22:00:54 归类于: 烂日记


就如刚刚写完的原来,Jorge Enrique Abello是这样想 :: 我的天本来是想把它当作“烂日记”但越写越不对劲,“烂日记”的风格怎么可以这样。于是在最后才把它改为“论尽”,相对来说,我的感想和评论,以及客观的想法,在那里都表现的更多。于是以为写完它就可以结束,结果还是要多写一篇“烂日记”,烂日记是自己对自己的要求,无论如何一定要写。



今天花费了好多时间在写The Road of Growing Up (playscript) :: 我的天上面,原来好痛苦的,很多次我都想罢写了,最后还是熬了下去,这是我唯一一次把一件要做的事分开做,我好久都没有试过这样子不一气呵成了。最终还是打好了,谢天谢地。

没想到自己对原来,Jorge Enrique Abello是这样想 :: 我的天的感想这么多。我看来真的有点儿发疯。特别当我不知道要干些什么,精神空虚的时候。



原来,Jorge Enrique Abello是这样想

By xrspook @ 19:39:00 归类于: 论尽

因为Yo soy Betty, la Fea,我认识了Jorge Enrique Abello,世界上很多很多的人都是如此。里面的Armando Mendoza因此就成为了好多好多人的英雄,爱慕对象,几乎一说起Colombia没有一个人是不会不认识他的。因为Yo soy Betty, la FeaJorge Enrique Abello的国内国际影响因此飘升,比股票升级还要厉害好多好多。可以说,Jorge Enrique Abello因此一炮而红,而且这个炮还打到了中国,我也中招了。

记得刚开始上网的时候“Jorge Enrique Abello”是我的常客,几乎是我每天的例行公事。现在想起来,我真的疯了。


其实我最喜欢看的是他的文章,从文章往往能认识一个人,人是很难在文章里说谎的,他们免不了有他们的思维渗透其中,即使再客观的文章也少不了主观的东西,我就是喜欢在文章中发掘他的主观。他的名字也好怪,叫做“Mi Nombre es Nadie”英文解释就是“My Name is Nobody”我也是从这里才知道了nobody的另一个意思——小人物。即使是成为超级的公众人物,但他还是希望自己只是的无名小卒。和我的见解一样,记得六年级的时候,班主任要我竞选大队委,我的回答是“无官一身轻”。

¿La Estatua de la Libertad, por favor? Por Jorge Enrique Abello / Revista GatoPardo Colombia 14 Mayo 2003
… Y PERDONA POR LO DEL TUTEO Por Jorge Enrique Abello / Revista Rolling Stone Colombia Octubre 2003
BREVE HISTORIA DE LA GUERRA Por Jorge Enrique Abello / Revista Rolling Stone Colombia Noviembre 2003
SER O NO SER… PERO SIN SUDADERA Por Jorge Enrique Abello / Revista Rolling Stone Colombia Diciembre 2003
FELIZ AÑO MR. ORWELL Por Jorge Enrique Abello / Revista Rolling Stone Colombia Febrero 2004
Carta de despedida de un suicida Por Jorge Enrique Abello / Revista Rolling Stone Colombia Marzo 2004
Pesadillas de un Insomne Por Jorge Enrique Abello / Revista Rolling Stone Colombia Abril 2004

To be or not to be… but without a Sweatshirt By Jorge Enrique Abello / Magazine Rolling Stone Colombia December 2003
Happy New Year, Mr. Orwell By Jorge Enrique Abello / Magazine Rolling Stone Colombia February 2004
Suicide Note By Jorge Enrique Abello / Magazine Rolling Stone Colombia March 2004
An Insomniac’s Nightmares By Jorge Enrique Abello / Magazine Rolling Stone Colombia April 2004


最喜欢看的就是那篇A BRIEF STORY(HISTORY) OF WAR,是从另一个网站得到的英文版,但是这个网站已经死掉了,幸好保存了,所以就只好放在自己的地方来欣赏。但由于spymac不支持西文字母,所有有些东西就成了乱码,也不明白,为什么连欧洲语系的网站都不支持西文,搞不懂。因为文章里面的名字是西文的,所以有一点乱码。我自己就十分喜欢这文章,自己曾经翻译,也逼过很多好朋友跟我一起疯狂地翻译。这篇文章影响我很大,把我的一些观点都似乎改变了,文章的名字《战争简史》但里面都是些他自己从小到大的快乐经历,直到最后一段,再抒发他对战争的看法。

Memories, only memories, those destroyed by the bullets when a man is killed. This is what we had to see disappear when the 100th US soldier died recently in Iraq, this is what we see evaporated by canons, the thousands of children who are part of the war in my country, Colombia had to face. This is the thing that kills every day, and in the whole world they lie to us and justify the meaning of war with a smile on their faces, as if nothing had happened and making apologies (or excuses?) before pressing the button that leaves us cold, dry and without dreams of the past.

而最影响我的就是他用I remember作的一系列排比段,这种从讲故事开始的回忆段也许就是我创作The Road of Growing Up的源泉,我应该就是受他的影响而作出用从小到大描述的方法。这样子不使整个故事都有深度,比只用一个时期的故事来说明问题更显得有点高深,应该得到的回响也会更大。我觉得站在高处看问题更好。

说回Jorge Enrique Abello,他因为Yo soy Betty, la Fea而做的采访数之不尽:
Revista Cristina (USA),2000
“ El Galán de Betty la Fea presenta a su verdadero amor”
Revista TV y Novelas (USA),2000 “Le gustan las Feas con Imaginación”
Tal cual Digital 20 Nov 2000 “ Radiografía de un No Galán”
Revista Mira! (USA) 14 Nov 2000, El Galán de “ Betty, la Fea” Reina de la Noche.
Periódico El Mundo (Venezuela) 9
Oct 2000
“ Vivir para Amar”
Programa 2000 Viva el Lunes *Video* (Chile), Jorge Enrique Abello
Semanario.UOL.2000 (Argentina), “En la ficción enamora a una fea pero detrás de cámaras las prefiere lindas”
Conexcol 2000 Jorge Enrique Abello
我只是举了2000年的为例,从当时到现在,几乎每个enterview里面都少不了提到Yo soy Betty, la Fea,作为一个演员能如此成功,当然十分好,但如果永远提到这个演员就只有这件令人骄傲的事,他也好悲哀。自己现在的任何角色都必须和当年的Armando Mendoza相比,被人问及这个“你觉得你和Armando有什么不同或相同?”问题千次万次,会是什么感觉。我也有点也因此为他感到无奈。难道他就只是被认为是永恒的Armando,除此以外什么都不是?甚至走到大街上,别人就叫他Armando,而忘却了他的名字。当然,这种深入人心是好,不过也好痛苦啊!我感觉到,他一直在努力在超越当年的Armando,但这个敌人实在太太太强大了,似乎无法摧毁。而且随着年纪的增大,在也不会回到过去的charming face了,这是岁月留下的,唯一可以超越的就是没有年龄限制的演技,但谈和容易。每件事都是尽善尽美,超越是很难的。

经过很多很多采访的阅读,我知道了,其实他也是有点讨厌Armando的为人的,在近些日子的新采访Sobreactuar es pecado,他的回答是这样的:

¿Quién es Armando? (Armando是个怎样的人?)

Un tipo que no sabe de nada. (一种什么都不知道的人)Sólo ha visto una parte del mundo, la que su privilegiada posición social le ha permitido ver. (只看到世界的一部分[井底之蛙?],是他的社会地位允许他可以这样看)No sabe de valores, ni de sentimientos, y tiene un orgullo tenaz, que lo hará derrumbarse, pues aunque lo desconoce, él mismo es su peor enemigo. (不知道什么是价值,没有同情,只有无边的傲慢,这样会毁了他,因此他自己没有意识到,但他自己是自己最大的敌人)

¿Se te pegaron sus mañas? (你演好他的诀窍是什么?)

¡Dios me libre! Él es un tipo explosivo, yo no. Puedo molestarme, pero nunca exploto en gritos. Soy alegre y estricto, él no sabe qué es eso. Sólo sabe aprovecharse de su galantería para conseguir mujeres, yo no.(是上帝给予我力量的!他是一个爆炸型的人物,但我不是。我可以容忍,我不会大喊大叫。我是一个很乐观和严肃的人,但他完全不懂这些。他只会利用然后获得女性,但我不会。)

¿El galán de moda? ([你]勇敢和时髦吗?)

Ni galán, ni de moda. Cuando me escogieron lo hicieron por actor, no por estrella. Para mí ese es un calificativo peyorativo. (既不勇敢,也不时髦。当他们选择我当主角,而不是选其他天王巨星的时候,我觉得是对我的轻视。)Prefiero que digan que estoy haciendo un buen trabajo. (我宁愿他们说我干得很好。)

采访还有其余的几个问题,但是水平有限,况且是看到西文,机器翻为英文,再人手翻为中文,免不了会有点儿变味,其他的一些问题,我的理解不深刻,就不要献丑了。但从上面的回答就能看出,其实JEA自己已经对Armando产生厌恶了。特别是他那句Cuando me escogieron lo hicieron por actor, no por estrella. Para mí ese es un calificativo peyorativo. 从来都没有想过原来找他演这个角色的时候他居然会觉得有点轻视他。他是不是太个人主义或者疑心太强了呢?我不知道。

不过唯一知道是他绝对不会这么容易就放弃,他会努力那个性格极端不好的Armando的。他会证明,他自己比角色要好。但有一点也是很矛盾的,我从小就很听话,特别在幼儿园,老师甚至说“照顾100 xrspook也不会觉得辛苦”。但在我自己看来,我其实也很想叛逆,但没有机会,我也不懂如何这样做。而当我有机会叛逆的时候,我的火山爆发就会出现。而当年注意上Armando这个样子不怎么的人的时候也是因为他的叛逆,也是因为他的傲慢,甚至是“花花公子”,这是不是应了一句话“男人不坏,女人不爱”,不过要把他作为一生的对象是绝对不可能,这样的男人只适合有空无聊的时候玩玩,就如我的叛逆也是一时的冲动,平时绝对不可以。如果真的以那样为性格就死定了。所以从客观的角度,从正义的角度,Armando不应该是学习的对象,更不可能变成“XX情人”之类的东西,因为那个简直就是“花心萝卜”,绝对不可信。但只是作为一个喜剧的角色,那就让人笑笑,让人开心开心吧。

我又再次认识了一个人的观点了,原来,Jorge Enrique Abello是这样想Armando的。


The Road of Growing Up (playscript)

By xrspook @ 13:49:00 归类于: 想当年的作业

The Road of Growing Up

(Aside: This story is made up of 4 steps of our true life, and it become the road of our growing up, enjoy it! First, please watch the Dramatis Personae.)

Scene1: Candy (in nursery school) and Father
Scene2: Candy (in primary school), teacher, Candy's father
father A, father B
Scene3: Candy(in middle school), little brother, mother, father
Scene4: Candy(in university), father, mother

Scene1. Nursery school
(Aside: The father and the daughter are by the sea. Facing the blue sky . And the daughter thinks out some questions.)

Candy: Dad, you see, the sky is blue, and look at that, the sea is blue too, why all the things are blue? Tell me why!!!
Dad: That's because…(background song: Le Papillion [ask and answer between grandfather and child])

Scene2. Primary school
(Aside: As time goes by, the little child is growing up, now she has become a pupil.)

Part one:
(Aside: At teacher's office)
Candy: (knock at the door)
Teacher: Come in.
Candy: (Come to teacher, beside the teacher's desk.)
Teacher: Candy, what's wrong with you?! I don't think you would have such score!
Candy: Oh… I'm sorry…(lowering her head, biting her mouse, pulling the clothes)
[Think: (Aside: Oh, terrible! How to tell Dad and Mom? What can I do…)]

Part two:
(Aside: During the Parent-Teachers meeting, one father looks every angry, and he is complaining something to himself.)
Father A: Just need one more point, one more point…(complaining, when watching his school report card)
Father B: What's the matter?
Father A: Hey…! One more point and my kid would have full mark!
Father B: Yes, yes. What a pity! So did my son.(moan)
Father a: What about your daughter?
Candy's father: (watching the score of the test paper [show on the project]) … So, so. (Mobile phone ring) Excuse me. (Leave quickly.)

Part three:
(Aside: Candy's father is home, with great angry.)
Candy: (watching her favorite cartoon, and laughing happily)
Father: (Walk towards the TV set, and turn it off. Watching Candy directly with great angry.)
Candy: (Feel very afraid)
Father: (Walk toward Candy, put the test paper rudely onto the desk.) Stupid!!! (Watch her for a second and leave)
Candy: (First watch her father, and then lower her head. When father leaves, she bends over and crying herself.)
(Voiceover: A sad music come out…)

Scene 3. Middle school
(Aside: The girl is growing up, has her new friends her own thought.)

Part one:
(In the street, Candy and her male classmate are arguing about something. Just at that time, Candy's little brother pass by [playing gameboy], unconsciously see this situation, surprise for a while, and running home with sinister smile.)

Part two:
(Aside: Little Brother comes to home.)
Mother: (cleaning the table)
Brother: (running to her with blow and happy, say secretly to his mother) Mom, I saw Candy shopping, and… With her boyfriend!!!
Mother: (very astonish, and then frown)
Brother: (leave)
Mother: (Say to herself, thoughtfully) Recently, Candy always wastes a lot of time on QQ! (Worry)

Part three:
(Aside: At Candy's room, mother is peeping Candy's QQ records. [The QQ record appear on the screen…] At that time, Candy comes in.)
Candy: Mom, what are you doing?! Why checking my QQ record! You are stealing my secret!!!
Mother: (seriously) you have a boyfriend?
Candy: What?
Mother: Who's he?!
Candy: I don't know what you mean!
Mother: (angry) You make me so disappoint!
Candy: Me too!!! (Contumacy)
Mother: (give her a blow)
Candy: (Cover the face, stamp her foot, and run out of home)

Part four:
(Aside: Mother and father are very worry all that night. The next morning, Candy comes back.)
Candy: (Open the door)
Father and Mother: (come towards her with great worry)
Father: (worry and angry) where have you been!!! A girl didn't come home is very dangerous! We are worried about you! Don't you know…
Candy: OK, that's enough. You're monster! None of your business, you can't manage my private thing!!! Don't trouble me anymore! (go to her room and shut the door)
(Aside: Parents pace up and down out of her room, very worry, but have no idea to their daughter.)

Scene 4. University
(Aside: The child shut her mouth solidly, and didn't want to communicate to her parents anymore. As a result, the generation gap comes out.)

Part one:
(Aside: During the military training, Candy found she needs something very urgent, so she calls her Mom.)
Candy: (phone her mother)
Mother: Yes?
Candy: Bring the #$%^&*~#$% this afternoon, I need them! Be quick!
Mother: #$%^&*~#$%, OK! Anything more? Could you adapt the life?
Candy: So, so. I have no time, that's all (do…do…do…[hang the phone rudely])

Part two:
(Aside: That afternoon, her parents come, with unimaginable lots of things. Candy got it without a thank, leaves. Her parents leave with very tired body, mother is coughing. At that moment, Candy finds she still need one more thing, so she turns around at once. Just at that time, she wakes up to her parents are so small and weak. They also need her to care about.[Tear is revolving in her eyes.])

(Aside: The generation gap is not made by our parents but ourselves. We dig the gap, meanwhile, we can recover it as well. Use all our heart, feel at their angles, and we'll know how to make it! [show on the screen: 其实"代沟"不是长辈们的错,我们有想过我们自己的态度吗?也许,"沟"不是他们挖的,而是我们亲手"掘"的。我们其实有能力把它填上,而用来填的物质就是我们的心,换位思考一下,你就知道该如果填补这个"沟"了。])

(All) Through this play we hope you get something, and remind something. Please
think about it. Thank you!

Curtain call.



By xrspook @ 22:22:00 归类于: 烂日记






刚才无意中发现了表哥 fengyjq 的blog〖心潮〗 ,原来他也有blog,而且好像发现了一篇很感人的文章不定时日志——感受25年的父爱 :: 〖心潮〗原来就在身边的人也在用blog来讲述他的故事,我看来不孤独了。




法文 中文

Pourquoi les poules pondent des oeufs?
Pour que les oeufs fassent des poules.
Pourquoi les amoureux s’embrassent?
C’est pour que les pigeons roucoulent.
Pourquoi les jolies fleurs se fanent?
Parce que ça fait partie du charme.
Pourquoi le diable et le bon Dieu?
C’est pour faire parler les curieux.

Pourquoi le feu brûle le bois?
C’est pour bien réchauffer nos coeurs.
Pourquoi la mer se retire?
C’est pour qu’on lui dise "Encore."
Pourquoi le soleil disparaît?
Pour l’autre partie du décor.
Pourquoi le diable et le bon Dieu?
C’est pour faire parler les curieux.

Pourquoi le loup mange l’agneau?
Parce qu’il faut bien se nourrir.
Pourquoi le lièvre et la tortue?
Parce que rien ne sert de courir.
Pourquoi les anges ont-ils des ailes?
Pour nous faire croire au Père Noël.
Pourquoi le diable et le bon Dieu?
C’est pour faire parler les curieux.
Ca t’a plu, le petit voyage?
Ah oui beaucoup!
Vous avez vu des belles choses?
J’aurais bien voulu voir des sauterelles
Des sauterelles ? Pourquoi des sauterelles ?
Et des libellules aussi,
A la prochaine fois, d’accord.

Je peux te demander quelque chose?
Quoi encore?
On continue mais cette fois-ci c’est toi qui chantes.
Pas question.
S’il te plait.
Non, mais non.
Allez, c’est le dernier couplet.
Tu ne crois pas que tu pousses un peu le bouchon?
Pourquoi notre coeur fait tic-tac?
Parce que la pluie fait flic flac.
Pourquoi le temps passe si vite?
Parce que le vent lui rend visite.
Pourquoi tu me prends par la main?
Parce qu’avec toi je suis bien.
Pourquoi le diable et le bon Dieu?
C’est pour faire parler les curieux.






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