

By xrspook @ 22:31:49 归类于: 烂日记

Have known the topic of Chinese this entrance examination is "Comermoration", I remember or remind a lot. What I should commemorate? This days I always made myself remember somehing, though it’s just a blurred one. In some ways, I do commemoration for such a long time.

Remember the thing I should remember, I won’t forget that experience this time at last year. Our classmates liked to bring up the topic about that. You know, it’s a very brave one and also a shame one. Someone will grieve about it, however, I’m another type. Just take it as unforgetable memory, and keep it in hear. Maybe, I really feel shame at that time, but now, the wound had recovered by time. Just take it easy, no negative feeling will be brought up from it.

Now is 5:01PM, they have finished 4 subjects till now, so as me at last year. Just need one more X subject, all the terrbile nightmare will be over. "Today in the next year, I won’t lose sleep anymore, if we will meet again, the bed must have changed…" It’s a song of a Hong Kong singger. Still remember I repeated it again and again when I faced the final examination. Tomorrow must be another day and will be better. What a good dream!

When I went to sleep this noon, I remember the same time last year, I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t fall asleep with such a half waking and half sleeping body, I went to have examination. I shouldn’t make any excuse for it, but it really stirred ini my juice.

This one, it’s the  last diary before tomorrow, the new year of my blog. Is it the examination ending eve? So, it’s the 365 "烂日记" to me, and to my blog.

However, I always made a lot of memory noted here. What I have done? Crazy one.

I don’t know why I can stand for such a long time, nonestop writting my blog. I don’t know what or who give me such power, but I believe, there must be something exist.

At last, I must praise myself "You have done a good job! Carry on!" See you (my blog) next year.


Double Character

By xrspook @ 22:29:33 归类于: 烂日记

Today is 06-07. A joyful and painful day, many students and their family hoped this days, someone will success or fall into a deep hell. No matter which, it’s also none of my business. Hope my friends will have a good luck, so as to all the senior three students. Though someone is still genious and someone is stupid as well.

Yesterday, I heard a frighened content about one of my classmates. And she is the student that what to bring her clothes to our room to dry everyday. Think about this, I still feel a little terrbile. We refused her yesterday evening, and at the same night, we heard her terrible history from her roommate. I think, she’s double character.

Superfically, she’s a normal oen. No one will realize her horrbile character until staying with her for a long time. At least, till last night, I think she has nothing special except a workaholic in study. She always mad unbelievable note at any classes. No matter useful or useless, and when she made notes, she can write without looing at the paper. Every time I just can see her studying. I have never meet her at lunch or supper. Teh only one that met her at breadfast, however, the speed of her eating is extremely slow.

From others’ work, she eats a lot of rice, a quatity of hers seems impossible for a girl. Adn the most horrbile thign is her character. She often comes and goes alone, and a strange smell always stays with her. When she can’t go to sleep at night, she will knock her bed rudely, and then weep for a long time.

At midnight, when you heard a terrible knocking from your roommate, and then some weeps. What will you think? It heard likes a scream movie, however, it really happened beside of me. Just 3 rooms away.

Though I’m taller and bigger than her, yet have such a classmate, are you afraid?!…


Bad Good Luck

By xrspook @ 22:21:17 归类于: 烂日记

Tomorrow is the important day to senior three students. The last year of 06-06, I had forgotten what I was doing. What was I thinking at this time? Eating? Or just worrying about the thign happened at tomorrow. Was I anxious? Or I didn’t worry anything at all? However, now I can’t pick up any of them. One year, just one year, and what a long time. It brought all my memery away, and it also healed the wound which was serious at that time.

None of my business at all. But why I couldn’t get rid of it from my heart. Everybody pays plenty of attention to it, so am I. At some time in the past, I suffered a lot from it. Now a memery, just a memery to me, and it’s not so clear. I have fogotten the enthusiasm at that time.

Today, I didn’t my last physical experiment. The last one of this term. What a great! First of all, I recognized nothing of that "difficult" machine. It seemed a very complicated thing to do. In front fo it, I just liked a ignorant little child. All the knowledge I had learned seemed have no relationship with it. I was just sitting there, didn’t know how to study. THe machine I facing was different from the book, that’s the problem.

Time helped me solve it. No matter you could understand or not, you had to do it. And at last, the result came our, nothing was impossible.

However, the bad luck was far from this. A classmate said she wanted to bring her clothes to our room, and used the washing machine to dry it. All the people in my room wanted to refuse it, but till now, she still didn’t accept teh fact, and kept her mind as well. I don’t want to scold her, however, she’s not a stupid, why she still do so? What a enorous courage to stick to do it! If I was she, I had forgiven.

Bad luck, good luck, comes and goes, what situation I am now?



By xrspook @ 0:57:00 归类于: 论尽

终于经过3小时24分钟的提心吊胆,Spain flag Rafael Nadal Spain还是成功了。

记得第一局抢七的时候,我紧张得简直不行了,在不知不觉中又开始了我的习惯性动作——咬手指,从前考试的时候的习惯性动作,改掉了好久,谁知今天又开始了。当Nadal以6:8失掉了第一局的时候,我简直觉得有点末日降临,我真的不想传媒说的那句“黑马( Argentina flagMariano Puerta Argentina )一黑到底”。虽然Nadal本来就很有冠军像,特别当他搞定Switzerland flag Roger Federer Switzerland 以后, 他是红土之王,但真的很为他担心。



名次 选手 国籍 分数
1 纳达尔 西班牙 665
2 费德勒 瑞士 665
3 达维登科 俄罗斯 314
4 萨芬 俄罗斯 275
5 科里亚 阿根廷 266
6 普尔塔 阿根廷 254
7 休伊特 澳大利亚 253
8 罗迪克 美国 251
9 高迪奥 阿根廷 248
10 费雷尔 西班牙 224







By xrspook @ 19:34:00 归类于: 烂日记


,我找回了我从前的网页,实在太令人兴奋了。以前也经常利用这个网站找http://www.rincondebetty.com/但很可惜,这个网站已经不复存在,所以只有从这个回到过去的网站找该网站的历史痕迹。http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.rincondebetty.com/多么令人回忆的东西啊!似乎用了时光的机器,马上回到了过去。虽然自己很迟才接触Yo soy Betty, la Fea,但因为时光机器的存在,我依然在享受着从前的网页带给我的快乐。


一直不断在努力,一直想用自己所知道的东西帮助别人。今天在霏儿那里留了好长的言:自动链接? :: 霏儿。我觉得我可以帮助她,于是就出手了。同时我也觉得她需要帮助。

第一次到霏儿那里是因为在 BlogBus上的“烂日记”Tag发现她和我一样把“烂日记”作为一个分类。于是就去看看,结果惊奇发现,她的链接那里居然写着“§blog你blog我§”名称和我一模一样,先是吓了一跳,难道我们心有灵犀一点通?然后发觉应该不是,因为她的链接那里有个叫做“我天地我胡来”分明就是我自己,但是为什么写我的描述作为链接的名字呢?其他人好像都是用名字,我的名字是xrspook, 而blog的名字是我的天啊!然后继续想了想,我明白了,因为“我的天”太令人误会了,所以在斌斌那里他也是把我的链接叫做“我天地,我胡来!”

说起来也好笑,我的blog之所以叫做我的天也是经过多番思考的,就是要人误会。况且当年刚开始写的时候也经常要用到“我的天”这个感叹词。不过随着时间的推移,我的天的意思就只是变成了“My Own Sky”或者“Mi Cielo”又或者“我的天地”的意思。看看我的title图片就知道了,我要表现的只是我的天空,一夥爱探索的心,爱看天胡思乱想的心。已经没有了“My God”的意思了。



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