

By xrspook @ 22:31:49 归类于: 烂日记

Have known the topic of Chinese this entrance examination is "Comermoration", I remember or remind a lot. What I should commemorate? This days I always made myself remember somehing, though it’s just a blurred one. In some ways, I do commemoration for such a long time.

Remember the thing I should remember, I won’t forget that experience this time at last year. Our classmates liked to bring up the topic about that. You know, it’s a very brave one and also a shame one. Someone will grieve about it, however, I’m another type. Just take it as unforgetable memory, and keep it in hear. Maybe, I really feel shame at that time, but now, the wound had recovered by time. Just take it easy, no negative feeling will be brought up from it.

Now is 5:01PM, they have finished 4 subjects till now, so as me at last year. Just need one more X subject, all the terrbile nightmare will be over. "Today in the next year, I won’t lose sleep anymore, if we will meet again, the bed must have changed…" It’s a song of a Hong Kong singger. Still remember I repeated it again and again when I faced the final examination. Tomorrow must be another day and will be better. What a good dream!

When I went to sleep this noon, I remember the same time last year, I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t fall asleep with such a half waking and half sleeping body, I went to have examination. I shouldn’t make any excuse for it, but it really stirred ini my juice.

This one, it’s the  last diary before tomorrow, the new year of my blog. Is it the examination ending eve? So, it’s the 365 "烂日记" to me, and to my blog.

However, I always made a lot of memory noted here. What I have done? Crazy one.

I don’t know why I can stand for such a long time, nonestop writting my blog. I don’t know what or who give me such power, but I believe, there must be something exist.

At last, I must praise myself "You have done a good job! Carry on!" See you (my blog) next year.

1 条评论

  1. ding

    xrspook 对 ding 的回复: 2005-06-17 18:01:02


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