

By xrspook @ 23:44:43 归类于: 烂日记







新的翻译是中午做的,刚好sunfruitsfish上来还我生物化学试验报告于是她就在电脑的一边看我新下载的Anita, no te rajes,另一边我则在翻译那个关于UNICEF的文章。当然可以说,那个是我两人的共同作品。对于一些句子,我不喜欢斟酌,大意我是把握到了,但说到表达,就如sunfruitsfish所说,我的中文比她差,我从来不注意语法人称,宾语主语,我只要通顺,主谓语,谓宾语配套就好了,其余的我不管。于是就被她捉了好多的一些可改可不改,但改了会通顺一点的错误出来。哈哈哈,看来以后的比较正式的,不是剧情的翻译,还是找个人来一边指点比较好。那个文章不过百余字不过也翻译了超过半小时,对于平时我的翻译是慢了好多,不过那不是剧情,不能把句子“飞”掉了,也不能随便,因为是UNICEF一个正式活动的文章,不能随随便便的,应该说得专业一点。总的来说,如果中国的UNICEF要把这文章拿去,我可以免费送过去,哈哈哈哈哈(傻子,不要傻了,自大狂,嘻嘻嘻嘻)





Just A Tiny Quiz

By xrspook @ 15:39:44 归类于: 烂日记

Now I am writing my blog in front of computer directly, because I want to write some English now. Just writing English 1 day a week is far from enough, if I want to keep my sensitivity of English thinking I must have more practise. I am not others, I learn English because I have to use it freely, I use it is not for showing my power of something or get the excellent academic achivement. I don’t care someone says my English is very silly, I don’t care about the words. I won’t write a essay word for word, thinking about the patten for a long time and then thinking about the words also lose plenty of time. In that situation, I won’t have any spirit, I’m just a nomal human beings, I’m not a great writer, I don’t need to too care about the literal problem. I’m not that guy, and won’t be that kind of person. I just know how to show myself.

I don’t care my words or pattens are stupid or not. I fear not!!! That’s me, a completely xrspook!!! The one just no how to output my feeling in the most directly way, and show the words and my heart without decoration.

Now talking about the little English quiz this moring. It made me a little worry before, last night I burnt the midnight oil to recite the new words in Unit 3 & 4 of New Horizon  Ⅲ . It’s a hard work for my and all my classmates. I hate to do it, but I have no choice. Every quiz eve, we have to do it unless you give up before the hard work come to you. And because of the quiz and the computer things I went to sleep in 2AM this morning, and had to get up at 8:00AM to continue my recite which was stopped my computer affair last night.

And the tough thing was that the English was just a little cake, and all the subject were just multi-choice. Oh, my god! It’s the easiest thing I have met. I won’t do so many preparations provieded I knew the quiz was in this way. And, and… I could not say anything now~~~~~~~

There is nothing to worry about, I am too sensitivity at English and other academics, maybe I have to know what is important and what’s is unimportant, in that way, I will understand when I can take my time, and relax myself. 

I have run the eMule about 20 hours, I think it’s time for it to have a rest and me too.



By xrspook @ 16:52:24 归类于: 烂日记


中午上课回来小驴已经下完了Anita No Te Rajes – capitulo136,太久以前的事,都已经忘记了到底第36集是说什么的,但就一天多一点,就那么十几个钟头就搞定,的确令我挺兴奋的。现在还有种已经差不多可以说是奇迹,记得当年,如果在种出来的几天之内,一个晚上,不到10个小时就能完成一个,现在不能和当年同日而语。我已经满足了。

但当室友问起我到底是不是要每天都开通宵下载我迟疑了,到底要还是不要?我落下的东西是要补回来,也不知道要补多久,不过肯定不是一个小的数目,我甚至不知道 该如何回答。不过我肯定,只要搞定落下的,我肯定不会再如此“沉迷”了。我的“情有独钟”的结果就是我特别沉迷于一样东西而忽略其他,不过我的好处就是不受其他的影响。






By xrspook @ 20:52:27 归类于: 烂日记


昨天晚上就是通宵下载,好久没有那么爽过。不知小驴能熬多久,也不知道要耗费多少的电费,我不管。奇怪的是清楚记得昨天晚上睡觉之前eMule是HIGHT ID的,但今天早上就变成了LOW ID,服务器也换了,唯一的原因就是断过网然后又自动连接过,所以……在学校的ADSL,我不能抱太大的希望。






Computer Went to School

By xrspook @ 18:41:09 归类于: 烂日记

After a long time eager, I brought the computer to my school at last. I hoped this happen when I came to SCAU, when I was a fleshman, however, because of many many other thing, the plan was delated again and again. And even sometime, I would forget that I had such plan. The life told me if the thing was belong to you, no matter what, sooner or later, it would happen. Though maybe at that time you have changed your mind or even forget it completely. I think, I was at that situation. I had no hope about buy a new computer and bring to school, however, just at this point, God gave me a chance, and I gabbed it, then it became true.

Bring the computer to school is no an easy thing. The main box and the screen are very heavy. When carrying them, my breath became heavier and heavier, after a short time, I even felt my arm was not belong to me, it’s too tough to do it. At that time, I realized I was a girl and I need someone do the tough task for me, I need help.

I still remrember one sence at this morning. My mother was walking in front of me, I was very tired after a short way, I wanted to stop and had a rest. And I did it now and then. However, no matter how many time I had a rest, I still felt my arms were not mine. Because I found I was not so strong as my thought, I need help, but the poor thing was nobody gave me a hand. Mother never tuned over to have a look, she walked straight as ususal. At that time, I found I can’t adjust to her even though I was young and she was old. And I realized that why I must be a person like male, I have to be strong, because the life forces me to do so. My living environment makes me I must be that kind. I have no choice but to be stronger and stronger.

And now, my new computer is at my apartment. I’m not familiar to that system, and the operate seems a little difficult for me, because I can’t find out what I want.

It’s a new start, it’s time to change, can’t be the old xrspook anymore!

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