
Take Responsibility for Us

By xrspook @ 18:37:52 归类于: 烂日记

Still remember one year ago, a teacher complained in our class that the students now were worse than the ones in the past. Doesn’t our ability really come up to eldership? That’s difficult to say, but one thing is very clear – there are more people in one class nowadays. Maybe I was born in wrong year, at that time too many people came to world. On my road of growing up, I had experienced those more than 60 students in one class, and more than 500 students in our grade. Could the teachers take all responsibility for us? Were they sure they could give everyone enough time? Impossible, undoubtedly impossible, yet, who should take responsibility for this?

There are more and more students in university, more than the threshold ability of school, however, this excess recruit student still can’t satisfy the jillion growing population. So, there must be someone to become victims, I think, we are just some of them. The universities low down their standard to recruit more and the only solution is low down the quality of teaching as well. Oh, God! We become university students; it’s a good thing or terrible nightmare?

Yesterday, the teacher asked us to answer whether we want the yeast to die or not, a question of to be or not to be. It’s difficult to answer because we hadn’t done any experiment about this before and no one had done that, but then it became the mockery of them. Could they answer how many stars in galaxy? The first question has the same difficulty as the second one. Were we really ridiculous? Others didn’t explore some areas but we have a try, and when we take on the first step, the professional laugh at our idealism. If possible, the professional should discover the unknown world for us first, instead of our blindly grope. On one hand, they encourage us to be creative, yet on the other hand, they collapse our dream from the very beginning inhumanly.

Who could take responsibility for us?

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