
Bye Fan de Club

By xrspook @ 20:29:42 归类于: 烂日记

Nothing will be changed; the first snapshot means the website (Fan de Club) will be closed definitive from tomorrow (2006-11-01). The only thing you can see is the snapshot, all the website has been moved away except the forum, and in the 0:00 AM of 1 November, the only forum will out of touch the same. Undoubtedly, I feel very sad. This must be the most horrible Halloween for me till now.


Right now, I read the message of Martha and Marcela carefully, of course including others' replies. And maybe I know the reason why such things happened together in a short time. Suddenly, I knew the decision of Marcela was right and must be painful, so was Martha's. As a female, I could feel the desperate of Marcela between the lines; I understand she had done her best to maintain the bond of love but without use. She must be the loyal one in this marriage. Love is a thing of two. Once you lose, it's hard to retrieve again. You can keep back the body, however, not mental either. It's none of my business to know what had happen in other's family and I have no right to ask for the reason. Even so, as a loyal fan, I have paid a lot of time in it as well. Almost all of my time online is about it, you know, it's about 4 years! Could anybody tell me what I should do from now on when I surf on internet? It must be a long time to adjust to the new life.

I was doing experiment in front of clean beanth, singing and nothing in my brain just as yesterday when I was rope skipping. This afternoon, I shared my bad feeling of my partner of Mangrove Team. I couldn't help to talking a lot. In her eyes, some days ago, she thought I was strong, now, she might know in some degree I was as effeminacy as other girls especially in emotional, which is about feeling. I could just tell black from white, in my emotional dictionary there's a word called "gray". I told her all the things about Fan de Club and JEA which was my admirer a few days ago. I asked her who's wrong, the man or the woman? In my opinion, I couldn't accept the idea that they divorce because they had found better partners of them. She told me, there's no need to tell apart the right one from the other, who is the betrayer and who is not. She said my admirer had fallen in love with others then couldn't get rid of, and it's impossible to separate the new lovers. So, they divorced, using the most directly way to end the painful relation, it's good for both. Yes, she's right, I think I always struggle with is the problem of betrayer, and I have knew the "loving law" as well. I just could not connect this situation and that definition together. She's definitive right, because I'm the one in the periphery of the game, I could not use my head soberly, and she is far from the game, then, she still has cool head.

Time heals everything. It's easy said than done. Everybody says all good things must come to an end, just takes it easy. In my part, that's very very difficult to put down such feeling, because I am a human being. I could not lie to my heart.

I think this song fit me well now: http://distritos.telepolis.com/bettylafea/lib/Musica/07_-_Como_se_cura_una_herida_-__Jaci_Velasquez.mp3

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