
High-tech is Beyond Me

By xrspook @ 17:18:10 归类于: 烂日记

This morning, Shirley and I went to our college building to meet Mr. Hu. Before this, we heard news about some innovative task last night in an indirect way. I don’t know why there are such problems around me these days. The life is in mess now.

Mr. Hu is a very professional teacher in food industry and teaching area. He is good at the manufacturing and storing food vegetable and fruit. This morning, we really had a meaningful lesson from him. In his words, I know what the high-tech in food industry is, and it seemed the top science just in front of or even will come out after my hard working. I have never thought I would exploit a food when I am still a greener sophomore, however, sitting next to him, I felt I just beyond the science, maybe the product we use tomorrow in supermarket was the invention of him.

Before we met, I had had a dream that I could be his student, and work for him in some innovative task, while now, I realize the road of that kind must be tough than any roads which I have walked on. If you want to become his student, the first thing you should decide is what you want to investigate. That implies you must well understood in that domain, and this is the first step, yet you should know, I just a sophomore who just learned 8 weeks of Food Chemistry and Food Microbiology, that’s all I have learn in my professional domain.  Unless I like something very much for a long time, and learn it well now, or I won’t know something of my food domain very well. I have never desired at some food before, and never thought about how to improve a method, hence there is no idea in my head.

I’m sure that Mr. Hu must be a good teacher, or exactly I should say he must be a very good director. He must be good at direct his students so it’s easy to associate an idea that his students must have steady ability, a bright mind and be good at work out they idea into reality. It’s the first time I met such a teacher, I really admire him from my heart, though now I still didn’t have the ability to became one of his student, yet I think that would be my new target in future. The road lead to high-tech and the top science roads are always full of incertitude factors.

I feel the high-tech just beyond me really, and that’s great. To be a science, or wanted to do a scientific research, you should be well prepared in the very beginning.

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