
Drizzly Day

By xrspook @ 16:59:44 归类于: 烂日记

It drizzled off and on all day. Before now, I don’t know there is such a word to describe a fine, gentle, misty rain. It seems never any in a short time. Though I don’t think it’s good for me, yet I have to face the reality that spring has come, and the good friend of her rain also has come together. Raining, raining, raining, whenever looking the sky, it’s raining, like the fog; you miss the blue sky and the warming shining. Moisture is just around you; even embrace you firmly, no matter you like or not. I hate such weather, however, the life tells me, its part of them, without hatred, the true love won’t come out, and the happiness won’t be deep and memorable.

Today, a bad news came with the misty rain. Another young lady left the spring of 2006 and preferred to go to the dark cold hell alone. She is a postgraduate, not everyone can be postgraduate. In my opinion, she is very bright and lucky. Just like the la niña (el niño: it’s Spanish means the son of the God, in Chinese it means 厄尔尼诺. I changed it a little I think the meaning of  la niña should be the daughter of the God). A bad example,to us and for our school. Are the students of SCAU fragile and so easy to collapse? What did the deaths want to prove? You are not the glass, and even though you are the glass you must be the toughened glass! Just because did get a good mark at the Official Entrance Examination, you selected such road that couldn’t come back again. Who you were! What did you want! You know there won’t be plane road all the life, why not went to die when you know you couldn’t went to Tsinghua University but SCAU. Became a part of official was your dream? That was the only thing you wanted to do in this world? How silly you were! The poor work hard everyday to keep alive, even though they would pay out their labor force to live in this world. You were also the human beings why you waste your life. In short, I think they all didn’t have a right philosophy, they have lots of knowledge more than the beggar, why they should opt a way that even though a fool won’t choose? What made them so silly?

They came and went, disappeared in the misty rain. Should we forget such person? Why they would do so?

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