
Professional Courses

By xrspook @ 20:06:39 归类于: 烂日记

Azrael just like stay here and never want to leave any more. Today, another life went away in SCAU. Today is just the third day of semester, even though the beginnings have so many unpleasant things what about future. It’s a bad news to all the staff and students here. The star of train trace was a woman, someone said she had no relationship with SCAU, however, why she selected our school to end her life. Did she think that’s a little tough to us? If everyone who want to die will come to SCAU, what our school will be? It couldn’t be a funeral home! It’s just the new start of this year, why they select the way of leaving away?!

The atmosphere is depressed. A ground people came together and began the topic of the death. It’s not the end of the world, why not talking about others?! If you are one of us, could you bring in other topic without the death? Maybe the top of the school didn’t go to pay for the school, or the Bodhisattva went to have holiday and never came back. Of court, this is just for fun; I don’t believe any God or Bodhisattva.

Yesterday, my professional courses began. The first one is called Food Microbiology (《食品微生物学》) and the other is Food Chemistry (《食品化学》). Both of them are talking about some food theory. I should fully change my thought that a good cook cooks a delicious food just by his/her experience. Believe or not, with more professional knowledge, using scientific method to machining, even a green hand can do a great job. It seems have a great difference to our Chinese culture; because until now our good cook doesn’t need scale go with them. The weight of food always likes a random feeling, we never use exactly number in our book, that’s mystery, and the secrets pass by generation to generation.

The secrets are waiting us to crack.

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