
We are Winner!

By xrspook @ 18:56:28 归类于: 烂日记

We had done a great job! We are the winner of the tug of war between 2005 Food 4 and ours (2004 Food 3). We are elder than them, we should win, and from the shape and size of us, we would win. In my opinion, we had no reason that we would fail in this war! At last, as a think, the Goddess of victory came to our side, however, which beyond my thought was that the real victory was more hardly than ideal.

Before the tug of war, I thought we would be sure win, yet it’s far from so easy. Maybe, no only me but some of my classmates thought the opponent was small potato that we could win without any hard working, so we didn’t pay all our attention at the first round. The first round beyond my thought, we had a standoff with our opponent. We would have three rounds match, which team wins two of them and that’s the winner. If two team didn’t have win or fail in 30 seconds, that means deadlock. A standoff will be judged.

We had better players, we should have more confident, why we would miss the first round, the Goddess came and went, and in some time, she even wanted to help our opponent, however, we reseized the initiative, and won at the second and the third rounds. We now had promoted in the next round, the opponent in future must be stronger. Hope we can be strong when we meet the stronger opponent, and win the champion at last :) Could you imagine when we win after two rounds how happy we were? We all handed up, shouting and cheering, just like the champion crown had on our head. That’s the power of us, the power of our comity. We had done a great job! Who had helping us? No one except ourselves! I can feel the glory that I am part of this collective. They can cheer me up, when you are down; they can share my happiness because I am one of them. Thank you very much; you give me strong hug in such damp cold raining day. With you, we all can confront any difficulty. Thank you a million!

And today 02-28 also a special day in my calendar — the birthday of JEA (exactly, 02-28 is not his birthday, he was born on 1968-02-29. It’s a leap year, and he was born on the leap day. So when he was born, all the people had to celebrate his birthday on 02-28, except the leap year I think. What a poor guy! How could he born on 02-29! What a lucky guy! Many fans including me celebrate such important day for him every year. ) And this is the forum of his birthday: FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS JORGE ENRIQUE, as part of fans, how can I did nothing, so I had participated, if you are his fans too, you should also show something now, vamos!

So today really a very special day! We won the tug of war, and JEA won the heart of his fans :))))


Drizzly Day

By xrspook @ 16:59:44 归类于: 烂日记

It drizzled off and on all day. Before now, I don’t know there is such a word to describe a fine, gentle, misty rain. It seems never any in a short time. Though I don’t think it’s good for me, yet I have to face the reality that spring has come, and the good friend of her rain also has come together. Raining, raining, raining, whenever looking the sky, it’s raining, like the fog; you miss the blue sky and the warming shining. Moisture is just around you; even embrace you firmly, no matter you like or not. I hate such weather, however, the life tells me, its part of them, without hatred, the true love won’t come out, and the happiness won’t be deep and memorable.

Today, a bad news came with the misty rain. Another young lady left the spring of 2006 and preferred to go to the dark cold hell alone. She is a postgraduate, not everyone can be postgraduate. In my opinion, she is very bright and lucky. Just like the la niña (el niño: it’s Spanish means the son of the God, in Chinese it means 厄尔尼诺. I changed it a little I think the meaning of  la niña should be the daughter of the God). A bad example,to us and for our school. Are the students of SCAU fragile and so easy to collapse? What did the deaths want to prove? You are not the glass, and even though you are the glass you must be the toughened glass! Just because did get a good mark at the Official Entrance Examination, you selected such road that couldn’t come back again. Who you were! What did you want! You know there won’t be plane road all the life, why not went to die when you know you couldn’t went to Tsinghua University but SCAU. Became a part of official was your dream? That was the only thing you wanted to do in this world? How silly you were! The poor work hard everyday to keep alive, even though they would pay out their labor force to live in this world. You were also the human beings why you waste your life. In short, I think they all didn’t have a right philosophy, they have lots of knowledge more than the beggar, why they should opt a way that even though a fool won’t choose? What made them so silly?

They came and went, disappeared in the misty rain. Should we forget such person? Why they would do so?



By xrspook @ 19:23:40 归类于: 烂日记

已经拖了2天的4级单词Word List没有看,加上今天的就已经积累了3个Word List,再积累下去,我就死定了。谁叫眼睛突然来个这么奇怪突然的病。但幸好,今天已经好多了。还记得昨天晚上对着镜子看的时候清晰看到眼睑那里有个小黄点,大小和样子就和那些暗疮那样,生在那个地方,挤压着眼球舒服才怪。眼睛最舒服的状态是向下看或者把下眼睑拉下,我也不明白为什么那个动作最舒服,可能那样眼球就不受上眼睑那个东西的压迫。好消息是今天起来那个东西已经明显小了,压迫没有那么剧烈,自然就舒服了。







By xrspook @ 18:33:28 归类于: 烂日记







图2-7 单手上睑翻转法

 图2-8 双手上睑翻转法

资源来自:眼部检查-【近视眼俱乐部 – 52eye.com】





By xrspook @ 19:40:26 归类于: 烂日记




但在回家的路上,一个人独处的时候越发难受。闭上眼睛也不是,睁开更是痛。不知道发生了什么。知道刚才吃饭之前,能明显看出眼睛是肿了起来,但自己的双眼皮还是分明能看到的。但就是吃饭过后大概30分钟的光景,双眼皮已经几乎完全消失了。 如此明显的变化,爸居然一点都不知道,因为,他根本就没有看过我一眼,当我脱掉眼镜,叫他看看我的眼睛的时候,他就问了我一句:“为什么会这样?”我知道为什么就好了,其实我想要他明白的是我该不该现在就去医院看看到底发生了什么。但他给我的回答是:“休息一下……”当时我真的生气到了极点,疼的不是他,但他怎么就可以说一些好像一点都不重要的事,很想哭出来,但还是不哭的好。现在,我没有哭的本钱。



到了医院还转了个圈,嘿,正门没有开,只把那个急诊的门开了,只好从正门兜圈回到急诊的小门。挂号处护士们忙个不停,但我看到的只是那个好像是护士长手臂上的红字“ER”。然后就上了三楼,那个医生正趴在椅子上(因为他把椅背反了过来,所以是趴在椅背上)看电视,看到我的出现冷冰冰地问了一句“做咩”然后就是在那张桌子旁边不到5分钟的“查看”和开药。就这样,完工了!交钱和拿药的地方可以说是门可罗雀。这就是晚上9点,冷冷清清的大医院。急诊的诊室还是忙个车水马龙,而其它地方则 休闲得很。这就是我用1.5个眼睛看到的医院另一面,很悠闲,很冷清的一面。如果医院天天如此,都没有人有病要去看医生,该多好。


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