

By xrspook @ 20:25:46 归类于: 烂日记




我知道躺在床上看教科书看不到2分钟就会谁着,但又阻止不了下午自己在床上看教科书。难道那些教科书就那么的令人讨厌。其实我也不是十分讨厌它们,但看到那些不是好明白的问题脑筋好像被胶水粘起来了,for(puzzle=1;;puzzle++) if(asleep) break;,情况就是以上的语句。于是唯一逃脱迷惑的方法就是睡觉,但睡着了醒来的时候又很讨厌自己因此浪费了好多的时间,人啊!就是那么的可恶。

This morning, I started to recite the new words, during that time, I remembered a lot. I remembered an uncle, who had said if his son could study at the best university he would send his son abroad at once. In addition, what is not the first class university? In short, the school as I studied is the rubbish school. I was angry when he was saying that, however, I did not know how to refute him, I could not gave any witness. Then after awhile I remembered another person, whose son had gone to Singapore to continue his high school, and will finish his university there, and all the spending of study are paid by the government of Singapore. Can you think how intelligent he is? He is one of the exchange program students who have such a golden chance. He is my cousin. Compare with them, what am I? My parents do not have money or any power to control anything, and I am not such a genius, I am just an everyman. I cannot have any daydream that what if I was… No, never! Just do what I should do, I am xrspook, the lay folk one, that all.

I don’t like compare with anyone, just walk as I used to be. Used my own style, do my utmost; believe the simple life is good enough.

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