
Stick to My Decision

By xrspook @ 8:46:48 归类于: 烂日记

This Thursday, our class must hand out a play script for next English classes. In my opinion, it’s great, change to toughen ourselves, however, at their sides, it’sjust a terrible nightmare. Having learning English for such a long time, and our teacher has done so much thing to encourage them to find the fun of English and enjoy it, why can’t they accept such a thought.

Take everything as a target, everygthing will be difficult to us. "To enjoy it is better than to learn it". The interest is the greatest teacher, it can courage us to face all the setbacks. So, I prefer to look everything  as my friends if it’s possible. About English, I have taken it as necessary thing of daily life, I can’t get rid of it, and at the same time, I don’t think it’s just a course of study. I learn it is not just for getting a good mark. My level, my knowledge of it can’t be described by mark.

This time, because of wonder perform of the last debate and my presentation this term, they choose me to write the play scripe again. I can’t be selfdish, I can’t alway show time and don’t give them any chances! They can do it too! But they never pay their hearts at it, even they never think about it all! They just used the excuse of they hadn’t done it before, so they didn’t do it this time. We are not professional scriptwriter, so it’s a brand new thing for everybody, including me!!! I don’t want to hurt them again, I’m not a surper star, I prefer to conceal myself and let other shine.

I won’t write the play script, though I really want to, I eager to do that, yet I can’t deprive their right of writing it freely. Maybe, or of course they will despair this time of my decision. Therefore, I prefer to be a sin, and teach them a lesson. They can lean on me, but I’m not their anchor forever, I must teach them how to stand by themselves, use their own ability to finish some project. They can too!

So even to be a sin, I must stick to my decision, I won’t write the play script, yet I still will do it secretly:)

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