
Mothers' Day

By xrspook @ 18:15:05 归类于: 烂日记

The things have happened just liked nightmare to me.However, it’s known to all that the hard situation will go through very sooon. The rainbow will come after the rain.

Mothers’ Day means nothing to me, I paid no attention to it in the past. I didn’t know whether my mother have the same idea or not. I never care about her feeling about, did she eager toi get somethings from me today? Did she want to have some congratulation from me at this very time? Now I found that something you can’t express by face to face but words. Today I sent my first best wishes to her by SMS. The function of mobile phone is so great, it help me to do something that I never have done before. Now, I have some excited to ask my mother to see two articles that I have written for a long tiem but til now still have courage to ask her to read. I really want to call her at once, and ask her to do that.

The reply from Robin wondered why I didn’t have courage to do that. I don’t know, I can’t speak it out of my mouth, though I really want to by heart. Human is a strange thing that even you are, however, you don’t know how to explain. Why I have confident to write them, but didn’t dare to speak out loud them? May be I will speak it out loud later today.

Talking about the process to get here this moring. Just one word can discrbile it– horrible. There are too many people squeezing in the bus, you touched more than 4 people in a place, a lot people surrounding you, you really seemed out of breathing. And the most terrilbe problem was you were otoo short, os the railing was almost out of reaching. You did your best to make you higher and higher, however, I met the traffice jam, because the time I left was rush hour. The bus went and stopped, rolling here and there, and I almost brought about 10kg things with me. The rain, the peole, and the busy road made a horrible experience to me.\

The hell has gone,I believerthe happiness will come soon.

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