
I am Surrounded!!!

By xrspook @ 19:28:03 归类于: 烂日记

The weather is really terrbile, it makes a lot of people sick!!!! It’s cold one time and hot another, at the same time, it rains and at once the sun comes out again. THe changable weather is unbleievable. It just like a baby laugh and then cry, we don’t know what it will be. As a result, we don’t know how to solves it.

Unfortunately, three of my roommates are ill now!!! All of them are having a cough. I am surrounded. In this situation, I don’t know use what to protect myself. The virus seem want to attack me, however, till now, they can’t find the way to capture my defence line. I have to fright against them day and night.

When you see your roommates were defeated one by one, you can’t help being afraid your own saft. You are surrounded, you’d better forgive to resist! Whereas, as I used to be, I won’t give up to fright for it, I will keep back until the last moment. xrspook, don’t give up. Of course, in spanish it means¡ No te rajes!

Somtimes, I really in double that whether I can still stand. But the life tells me, the fact tells me, the tests tell me, I have to, with no other choice.And the sick isn’t so terrible in fact. Just a cough, just a fever, it can’t stop me as well. Still remember the continuing sick days when I was a child, just some pills and inject, nothing can stop my happy life going on!!!! And I even want to have some inject, for a long time I didn’t have such a experience, I need to remember the poor days in the past.

Tomorrow is Thursday again. If it won’t rain, we will hve our second classes of tennis test. I’m an evel, because I have passed, I am not very eager it sunny. I just care about myself!!!! I am the only hope of some people, how I can omit them and just think about myself.

I’m really a very bad evil!!!!!!

I am surrounded by virus, but I will say to myself "¡No te rajes!"

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