
The Bright Thursday

By xrspook @ 21:21:00 归类于: 烂日记

For many days, we hoped the weather could turn better, the rain and wet day we all hated them. The ugly days brought an muddy road, the walking men hated it, even the buses and texts  hated it. The buese changed theirs way, didn’t come here. The weather left us just the angry.

This afternoon, we saw sun shine and blue sky again!!! I like it!!!! The sun is so warmand the dry wind made me feel good too. A bright day come to me, even this morning I still had to use unbrella to protend myself from awful rain. The weather changed, and my feeling changed too, what a great day!

Not everything is so great even in bright day, such as the tennis  classes were cancalled, and I couldn’t focus myself in the listening of English classes. 

Pay all myself in listening a language I don’t know – Español, I even forget how to catch the words in English listening and spell of the words I was very familiar to. The situation just likes I went to SCAU, I don’t think the ability of doing this can disappear, but I must pay more practices to get it back. I don’t know the meaning, I don’t know how to focus, I don’t know how to guess, that’s all my problems.

Till now, the English teacher never called me in class this term. I don’t know what have happened??? But why she didn’t call me? I ahad prepared very well, and in some time even eagered she could call me, but… I know others are very afraid of her calling, so I had to pretend it too, yet by heart, I eagered her calling, I need chance to improve myself and my confident.

After seeing the score of English last term, I felt very sorry to my English teacher. My final examination was just 81, and the usual score was 100, so the average score was 87. "100" what an impossible mark. Everybody’s usual score was just had 2 digits, but I had 3. I wasn’t a genius, I didn’t have power that others didn’t. I just finished the things which I needed to by heart. "100" is a mircale to me, and to everybody, maybe I think even to the teacher herself. Without "100", I couldn’t get the average 87. And wrote it in 100, I know it’s very difficult to her. For this, maybe she had to explain a lot, how a student cna be so perfect??? I didn’t have a good mark in exam made her do so difficult thing, I feel very sorry. Sorry to make her into such situation. I must work hard, I can’t disappoint her any more, bright by myself, just like the sun today.  

I must be bright as the sun!!!! From inside!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



By xrspook @ 20:32:38 归类于: 烂日记



而且他的口水超多,说了足足2节课没关“有机化学”书本的东西。也许这就是连上3节课老师的通病吧,自以为时间充足所以从来不单刀直入 ,于是基本上都要说2节课的废话再入话题。







Fight for My Life

By xrspook @ 20:09:40 归类于: 烂日记

The courses are kidding me, every night I have classes. Some are end up at 9:05PM, the others are at 10:00PM. What my life will be? Don’t have time to have shower everyday, how can I expect the future???

In an hour or two, we must have 4 people’s showers, and the problem is not our speed but the hot water, because of the problem of hot water,  it leads to another thing – electric. The "hot water room" don’t have hot water on time, and the other problem is the hot water doesn’t hot at all. It just can be called warm water or it’s just cold water. So we must have our way to creat the true hot water, and then by what? Electric, but the wire is limited and the time of elecrc sending is limitted too, that’s the great problem.

We must go to have classes in the evening is not a problem, the problem is we can’t have shower as we wish. Maybe it’s not a problem at all to a northern person, but we all are familiar to XX everyday.

I don’t want to be a "bumpkin" but…

I have my firt Maxiom Philosophia, and it’s boring. I know if the philosophia teacher is a male it will be boring, and now I prove the thought.

She doesn’t have her own opinion, and she can’t bring up the topic, and just want sb. can, and she just made some comments in them. She’s not suitable to be a philosophia teacher, she doesn’t know a lot of story that we don’t know, though even she knows she dosen’t show to us, that’s no use.

Still remember the days I have in high middle school, what a perfect teachers I had at that time! But now, she’ s so rubbish…

I don’t know what will be tomorrow, maybe the life I have will be difficult. Want to have a happy life forever is impossible, but I just want to have a simple one!

Fight for my life, maybe it’s the job for for everybody forever and ever!!!

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