
Quiz is Just a Quiz

By xrspook @ 18:37:21 归类于: 烂日记

The English quiz is over. Quiz, it’s just a quiz. I have done a right thing that I didn’t pay too much attentino at it. Just a noon cna do it, but it make me worry about for a few day, how foolish I am!!!

When we did the quiz, my teacher won’t to cheak our homework- the outline of Section B. I wasn’t afraid she looked my ourline but my other atiedes. If you read that stories behind me, no bproblem will exist, but if you read the stories face to face wiht me, that will be a big problem. How shy for what I had  written!! I’m really afraid she dread the first essay of this term. At that time, I really found a hole to hide.

Now, the quiz was past, nothing erious, I am still a person my sky is still blue, and I’m still a pround xrspook.

The experiment of chemistry was also nothing serious. The a lkaline burette was good, and I could controlled the ending as I wished. the result can satify me, too. I think, I have never in such fortunate for a long time. Maybe you can say is not fortunate, it’s my skill. The skill of me is incresing, so this thing happened to me. I’d better not say too much about it, or maybe the next time I my say "on contrast to…" Terrible, so stop now.

The physics experiment was lucky as well. I my opinion, the physics experiment here is better than the chemical one. Though, the report of its are longer, and th edevices we use that we evern know what’s its name, and the principle we follow we don’t understand them at all, yet, I still think, it’s better than the chemical one. At least, we don’t have to be afraid the alkaline and acid as well as the little mistake we have made, and have to do all the dthings again. We don’t need to be afraid the little different of the color and decide the result fo our all experiment. The original things principle ar e better than the changing one. AT least, I don’t need to face the poison and high corrupt drugs. I don’t know why I finally choose chemistry in the end of my middle school and my high school.

Ok, it’s time to stop.

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