
Crazy with Computer

By xrspook @ 19:04:38 归类于: 烂日记

When the weekend comes I will forget everything except computer, all the thing become unimportant and serve as a contrast.

Computer is my life, and the internet is tis eyes. From that window the world become in front of me, though in fact I won’t touch them maybe all my life.

This weekend, I had sent two email to two people I don’t know. One is a fan of Anita, no te rajes, she wanted to get the song of Sólo Tu Amo; and the other is the webmaster of Dr. Software. He’s the auther of Hacha. What a great software! And the auther of it is much greater! I don’t know whether they will reply, but I know if I don’t write to them, 100% there won’t be reply to me, no one know my situation, the problem of me and she.  

At last, till now, the master of Dr. Software have write two letter to me to answer my question in detail. I had never imagined that he would answer me so patient and so quickly. Still remember the last sentence in the first letter, he said "pd.  maybe you can help me to translate the program to chinesse and put your name in the credits as a translator…" I even don’t know C language, and don’t know how the Hacha make of. However, his words couraged me, I must do my best, and if one day I can really translate it… The software is less than 100KB, but it can cut or connect all sizes file!!! All size!!!

So this morning(1:00-4:00AM) lost myself in my website contribution. Just the category of CSS, it cost me about 3 hours. Maybe it’s just an easy job for the professor, yet I’m just a "white"(don’t know everything). The words are easy, the commands are easy too, but you didn’t know what’s it, how to use and where to use. I must try every commands, the blog’s operation are complicated than before. If I change the command I must submit it at first and then publish my website, so at last I can see the change. Maybe I had publish my website over 20 times. It doesn’t matter, if it become more beautiful, I deserved it.

Though today is studying day, but I ‘m still crazy with my good friend!!!

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