
What Life A College Freshman has!!!(Ⅱ)(publish on weekend)

By xrspook @ 10:47:41 归类于: 想当年的作业

The most things I can't bear is that the College of Food and Science can't allow all the freshman to bring computer the first year. What rule is that! How can they do so! Because they afraid the freshman can't control them will lose their heart in surf online or play computer games. But even though the freshman can't control, will they affirm the old students can control? How funny this answer is! Even in Senior Three, I still surf online, but now my life is …

After Final Examination, I used to write my dairy online. Everyday whatever it is difficult, I will stick to write. A lot of student do that, that kind of thing called "blog"(a shared on-line journal where people can post diary entries about their personal experiences and hobbies; a daily written record of (usually personal) experiences and observations), when I start my first essay I had swear to myself, I must continual to do this, no matter how difficulty I met. I don't want to break my commitment, eat my words! But the real life tell me, you can't! Every weekend I have to go home and type my dailies into computer, I have to type five passage or more! Terrible! How much time I have to spend! And how boring it is! But if I do it everyday, I just need to use 15 minutes. The big problem is that I have no computer. When I didn't start my blog, I didn't like writing or communicating at all. But now, because of blog, I completely changed. Now my blog has more than 200 essays, all of that narrate my colorful life. That's my valuable memory. It evidence my grown up. If I still do it all my life, think about it, after 30 years or more, I pick it up and review, what feeling I will have? Or you will say, just a daily, why not just write in papers? Because write them on blog, your experience can share with many more people. Sharing your life with other, isn't good? And your experiences maybe really can help others, your knowledge need us to share. If we know share, our life will become more comfortable.

The thing I can't bear is that, why the South China Agricultural University must separate the web in China and in foreign countries? If I want to surf the web of foreign country I have to have special request, and have to pay more, why? Internet, what's the meaning of Internet? (Internet [the meaning from Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary-Extended fourth edition]: international computer network, which consist of a large number of individual computers and computer systems, connected by telecommunications circuits.国际互联网,因特网) But in our school, can it be international? Some people said the students in South China Agricultural University are old style person. Now maybe I know the reason. Because of too less chances to communicate with the world. Even we are agricultural school, but why can't we change the "Tu Bao Zi" called? I think the first step we must change the thought of the leading group.

Though I just a girl, and my course is Food and Science. I am still be eager to have computer and can surf in foreign website. It just a little request why not comes true??? I am an adult, but why not believe me??? The entire computer projects just become a cat with gloves. In a word, it broke my heart.


What Life A College Freshman has!!!(Ⅰ)(publish on weekend)

By xrspook @ 9:38:56 归类于: 想当年的作业

When I was a high school student, I was very eager to be a college student, in my opinion, they would have more free time, they could control their lives, as they liked. But the fact tells me; it’s just a beautiful.

As a freshman of Food and Science, I have to face my life very hard. I have 33 classes a week, but others just have 20 or less. Everyday the only thing I can do is having class, previewing and reviewing lessons, do my homework. I even don’t have a free time to do my favorite thing-learning Spanish. When I found no time to satisfy my basic need- every night has to go to bed at 12:00, but other said they were very bored, because of too less classes. These words just like a heavy sinker knock on me, why we are so different? Everyday I go to have class with morning sun shine, they are playing, every night in the dark I have to sit at the desk to finish my homework or preview and review my lessons, they are still playing. I cry, because of too many classes, they cry too, but for too few classes. For me, be fortunate or not?

I always tell myself, you must face the music; easy job won’t instead of my college lessons. I just can live in misery; I don’t know whether I will famous or just a common person. I have no choices. Now I know all the happiness in read comprehension and in others’ words are lies, whether they are true or not to others I don’t know, but to me, all of those are just white lies, never come true. In my dream, the college life is heaven, but actually it is just an endless hell.

What life I have now!!! (To be continual)



Chatting Online-My Most Rewarding Experience(publish on weekend)

By xrspook @ 11:54:00 归类于: 想当年的作业

Whether you will believe or not, my first experience of online chatting was very magic. I won’t forget it all of my life, and I will very proud of that, though maybe it was really very funny.
I don’t know Spanish, and the people chatted with me don’t know English. She is in Zaragoza, Spain. We both had to use translate machine, I translated English into Spanish, and she did the opposite thing. Though it really very discommodious, we had the same habit. So the language wasn’t a problem at all. On the contrary, it became a bridge to link us together. MSN Message is a live chatting machine, but China and Spain have different time zone, and is 6 hours. So I had to get up 4 o’clock in morning to meet my friends.

Maybe this chatting was really a hart work, but I am worth to do that, from which I reap a lot. The most rewarding was that I could talk with new people naturally. At first, I still had a little nervous. The live chatting machine required me reaction at once, or I will miss a lot, so I had no time to be nervous. English is not my native language, but I must use it freely to express my thought, it was not easy.

Secondly, chatting online made me brave. Whether the words and the sentences are right or wrong, at the very beginning you have to write, and let others know. In my opinion, grammars are not important things, if you write the things by heart, other will know them. Of course, if you just what to practice your language, you have to use it very carefully, but I think many people chatting online just share their feeling and thought. If your words can move people and let them make a resonance, that’s enough.

Thirdly, this kind of chatting let us open our eyes to see the whole world, from which we can learn a lot of things that we can’t reap from books or TV. The problem of geography distance solve immediately. Some years ago, if some ask me online chatting is a good thing or a bad thing, I would answer it without thing- bad thing, because at that time I just could see if people online chatting they wouldn’t chatting face to face. Face to the cold computer instead of bloody person, the relation will become farer and farer. But after I begin my online chatting, I changed my thought completely. Think about it, if online chatting do not exist, how can I talk with my Spanish friend, how I can make such a friend. Am I really had to write letters? But how can we get in touch for the first time? How I will know there is a person in the other part of the world has the same habit as me? All these convenience are brought from online chatting. At the same time, we have to have self-control; we can’t use online chatting instead of our really face-to-face chatting.

That is all my experience of online chatting.



By xrspook @ 19:42:59 归类于: 想当年的作业



















www.lwnet.gz.gov.cn 西关民俗馆

www.lwa.com.cn 荔湾政府网









By xrspook @ 20:08:43 归类于: 想当年的作业












1、  天窗是设在坡屋顶上,较为特别的窗子,靠垂吊下来的绳子拉动启闭。该窗采用杉木直窗棂;嵌上半通明的云母片做明瓦,再配上木滑轮和木轨道而成。兼有采光、通风双重作用。

2、  西关大的地天台凉亭,日常晒晾、乘凉,载花及中秋赏月等活动都在此进行,极具使用价值。

3、  西关大屋内的天井习惯采用花岗石地面,多为方形,去水孔常雕凿成金钱图案形状,与旧时迷信“水为财”有关,同时兼有隔栅功能。

4、  西关大屋的青云巷,直通大屋层端,具有交通(女眷及婢仆出入)、通风、采光、排水、防火、晒晾等多种功能,取“平步青云”之意。

5、  西关大屋的书房前一般设有一个清静的小庭院,内部种植各种各样名贵花木,多栽植在一米左右高的砖砌基上,有意让植株的枝叶能尽快伸出墙外以接采更多的阳光和美化环境。

6、  西关大屋的木楼梯,总步级数习惯取单不争双,梯位一般用西式木栏杆,光洁而高雅。

7、  西关大屋的正门三件头,脚门是四扇对开的小折门,防止外部视线干扰,趟栊是栅栏式的拉门,可防盗通风,大门坚固,厚重,是大屋的主要关防。

8、  脚门:一种高约1.7米左右的轻巧四扇对开的小拆门,其上部有各种各样图案的木雕通花,雕刻葡萄或松鼠石榴花,精巧别致,每户都不相同。

9、  趟栊:由4~5cm直径木圆条横排组成,根数取单不争双,最上面的两根棍是固定在木门框上作为上部轨道用,木框雕刻极为讲究,典雅气派。

10、             西关大屋正厅陈设十分讲究,采用明显的轴线对称式布置,讲究相互搭配和总体上完全统一,字画及装饰工艺品应有尽有,显示出大屋主人非凡的身份和气派。

11、             正厅:又称神厅,位于全屋正中部,面积最大,屋檐也最高,是全屋最主要的地方,家具摆设具有明显的轴线对称,号称“整堂”或“满堂”,具有严肃庄重的特点。

12、             神楼是原古典剧舞台样子的镜框式的神龛。正面凹入的进深约1~1.2米,旁边有小门可供出入。以方便早、晚点香烛及神灯。

13、             二厅是一家人用膳之处。

14、             头房又称神后房,是大家庭中最老的长辈居住的地方。

15、             书房,是主人读书,教子、会友、雅集的场所。

16、             西关大屋室内装饰极为讲究,在厅房的墙壁上多悬挂梅、兰、竹、菊四字屏或镶云石挂屏,意境高雅,营造了良好的居住环境。

17、             西关大屋的室内装修集工艺,美术之大成,将石雕、壁画、石刻、彩色玻璃等各种民间传统手工艺应用得淋漓尽致。

18、             槛窗是西关大屋内窗的主要形式之一,它采用水棂镶嵌彩色玻璃的形式,即起了间隔功能,又极富艺术特色。

19、             花罩用来区分室内外空间或作为两个不同的室内的分界。多在厅堂或书房等设置。分为不落地的非落地罩和落地罩两种,制作有洒金通雕、木刻、钉突等多种表现手法。玲珑浮突款式优美。

20、             西关大屋横门门头一般都没有横扁,壁画或浮雕之类的装饰。西关大屋横门门头的蝴蝶窗,为半圆形带有蝴蝶图案窗棂的彩色玻璃窗,窗顶有圆弧形的灰批模线,很明显受了西洋的影响。

21、             西关大屋的屏风门,主要是厅房的活动间隔,门线上部一般做木雕通花,或装上可开启的彩色玻璃,可开启的彩色玻璃窗以达到采光和通风的目的。

22、             满洲窗是清末民初珠江三角洲一带盛行的传统建筑的独特装饰艺术,这种工艺最初从国外传入,结合本地建筑的厅堂进行装饰,逐渐发展成一种独特的建筑艺术,它大量用去西关大屋的室内装饰,使厅堂居室显得高雅柔和,平添诗情画意之妙。






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