
The Born of the Play Script (publish on weekend)

By xrspook @ 20:30:00 归类于: 想当年的作业

They asked me to write the play script again, but in the diary of 2005-05-25, I had written "I won't write the play script, though I really want to, I eager to do, but I can't desprive their rights of writing it freely… I can't be so selfdish, I can't always show time and don't give them any chances… Therefore, I prefer to be a sin, and teach them a lesson, and tell them how to stand by themselves."

Though I have sweared such thing, at last, I became an important part of script writing. I can't stick to my words until the end.

Before this, I have ever had a dream that became a scriptwriter, director and actress, that because too many dramas watching. I love all that job, however, the fact tell me, all the things are far from so easy. And found how idealistic I was.

Have a inspiritation was just a beginning. And then how to extent it was most difficult and important things. A lot of ideas, you just have a general shape of them, then you should make the drowy thing into real one, you must use some methods to somethings and let others can easily get your meaning. So, in a words, a successful play means at the thought of the writer can be shared with the audences. Two of them maybe have some spirit communication. When all the people enjoy the play and cry or laugh as the story going on, who will say that play isn't triumph?! Consequantly, I do my best to reach that level. I'm just an amateur, and far from professional, yet I believe, with self-confidence, every one can do it.

Among this writing, I really learnt a lot. I know how to share the ideas of others, I'm not alone. I have a team to support me. Although the price is I can't focus on classes and go to sleep until 2:00AM, yet I think, it's worth. The teamwork spirit can't be described with any price.

The last time came, and with a little lucky, they chose our(girls') play script. The last result of the play is remain to be seen, no matter what happen, I still will go to great lengths to do it.



By xrspook @ 17:18:11 归类于: 想当年的作业


2004食品科学与工程(3)班 xrspook 2004360323




Prejudic Online(publish on weekend)

By xrspook @ 19:05:00 归类于: 想当年的作业

You think you are free online, you can be everybody as you like there, you are wrong. You maybe think whth vitual barrier, others can't identify you, so you can be equal any time, you are completely wrong.

Of course, when online chatting, others won't know what you are, however, my experience was so different from the normal one.

In some forum in foreign countries, we(Chinese) get nationality prejudice, especially in America. They are talking hottly of their favorite things, so are you, then you want to participate. At the first time, I made a extremely fault, I said I was a Chinese at the very beginning, and then described my thought of that topic. The result is that no matter you're right or not, you won't get any reply. Because you had said a stupid sentence that you were Chinese. They pay no attention to us, and go on their talking. And I found I was the only one had such experience.

So at the second time, I said nothing about my nationality, and pretend I was an America, then, many people made comments to it. What's that mean? It means nothing but nationality prejudice. It proved nothing wrong with my English, but a little special of my real nationaliy.

I'm a Chinese, that's the fact won' t be changed! Why I have to conceal this when surfing on internet?!

Maybe you wil think internet is the most justice place fall all the people in the world. In fact, nationality prejudice still exist. I didn't mean evey country has nationality prejudice to us. Such as Spain, I can feel the people there welcome us very much, and take us as friends. Spanish give us warm welcome, let me feel like home, however, the experience prejudice. Maybe that's the problem of super country, they look down upon others.



By xrspook @ 18:26:57 归类于: 想当年的作业


04食品科学与工程(3)班 2004360323

在人类思想史上,对国家本质的认识存在两种截然不同的思路,一种是建立在个人主义基础上的社会契约论,即认为国家和政府的产生、存在及其财政活动,从根本上看都是私人活动的结果,是无数的私人为了自身的利益达成社会契约的结果。虽然中华人民共和国是工人阶级领导的,以工农联盟为基础的人民民主专政的社会主义国家, 但我们社会主义国家的本质还是一样,都是阶级统治的工具,具有鲜明的阶级性,是工人阶级和广大人民共同意志的体现。国家政府的存在仍然是阶级调和的产物。




Leaving Home and Going Abroad(publish on weekend)

By xrspook @ 20:03:57 归类于: 想当年的作业

A lot of people think that the moon is rounder in other places than at home, however, the fact is the glass is no always grener on the other side. Study or living abroad maybe not the best choice for us.

Leave our hometown where have been lived in for a long time, and have to say goodbye to all the friends and parents, go to a brand new place alone. That won't be a good feeling.

But why we must go abroad? Because of the better study environment? But the Chinese culture and literature are board enough. Because of the good life? When we are in foreign country, we are just emigators, we can't omit the indirect glance frome others. Though we are full of knowledge and skillful, it's still a hard way to make foreigners to accept us as well. In my opinion, let others accept you is more difficulty than you adjust to the new sociey.

However, even though this thing stand still, plenty fo people prefer to leave and go to new places. In the past, I just found their advantage, how wonderful they will be! But now, I recognize more negative than that. The weather, the food, the language, the customes, and soon, all the thing they have to adjust to. With so many new challeages, do they ever want to give up, and find the have made a wrong descision? However, all that negative feeling we won't know. They just can hide all of this in their heart, no one can listen their difficulty carefully, because they are thouand kilmeters away.

Face the challeage and then manage to overcome it is good, but if not, what'll happened? It's no easy to take care of himself without any help,especially when one is sick.

Many parents choose the way of studying abroad for their children, it really can make them independent, however, it still a little crul to me. At the same time, if the only child of the family leaves her/his parents here and goes abroad alone to make a bright future for herself/himself, I aslo can't stand it, I can't escape from the scold at my heart.

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