

By xrspook @ 18:33:00 归类于: 烂日记


今天翻译了2个文章2004年JEA的生日礼物亲爱的朋友们:)正如2005年11月25blogger post中自己写的一样:


知道JEA的FANS们为了庆祝Jorge Enrique Abello 2004和2005年的生日他们做了什么吗?他们也许有把小礼物送到哥伦比亚,但更多更多,绝大部分他们都以JEA的名义把买礼物,买飞机票,买船费的钱都捐赠了给UNICEF!!!当香港的那些汪明荃的FANS还为她庆祝生日搞个大派对,送她不知多少卡的钻石项链,不知多少斤的金砖或项链做生日礼物的时候,彼岸的他们选择了做善事。我孤陋寡闻,我不知道世界上还有多少偶像的FANS会选择如此的方式为他们的偶像庆祝生日。虽然这听起来有点是故意向他们的偶像脸上贴金,他们的捐款好像有点是碍于某人的面子,不是100%真心诚意,但这总比只把偶像的家里塞下用货车才装得下的礼物好。FANS们给JEA的礼物是精神上的是名誉上的,而远不是我们普通见的那些物质上的,表面上的。既然送什么礼物给偶像都是有点那个的,我宁愿FANS把钱拿去做善事,这样做一举N得。



我记得不知什么时候我也曾经些过文章称赞过那些FANS的行为,但很不幸,我忘记了我到底放那里了。他们用这些方式来为偶像庆祝生日不好吗,其实我也在Sat, 24 Jan 2004 22:48:42 -0600的时候也收到了他们向各个Fan Club的成员发送说他们要以这种方式庆祝2004年JEA生日的邮件,内容如下:

主题:Regalo de Cumpleaños para Jorge Enrique Abello / Birth day gift for Jorge Enrique Abello


Se participe en el regalo de cumpleaños para Jorge Enrique.
Es tiempo de demostrar nuestra admiración y cariño hacia Jorge Enrique y que mejor dándole un regalo del corazón , la idea es hacer una aportación a la UNICEF Colombia en su nombre y en la que Jorge Enrique , gracias a su calidad humana y a su gran compromiso social ha sido nombrado AMIGO DE LA UNICEF.

Las aportaciones se pueden realizar:
Haciendo una consignación en la cuenta de UNICEF (Colombia) 0012 70 30 31 del CitiBank ( Bogotá Colombia) y enviar el recibo de consignación por fax al 57 1 3210620
Llamando al Call Center, desde cualquier parte del mundo, 01 8000 9191 866 y autorizar un aporte ya sea a través de la tarjeta de crédito o débito.

Creemos que Jorge Enrique se sentirá muy identificado con este regalo y que mejor oportunidad para ayudar a todos aquellos angelitos que Dios ha puesto en la Tierra y que necesitan nuestra ayuda, no importa la cantidad de dinero que se aporte, lo importante es el fin para el que serán utilizadas cada una de las gotitas de amor para estos niños.

Si es posible para todas aquellas personas que den su aportación nos reenvíen el recibo de consignación o nos envíen sus datos con el monto de su aportación antes del 20 de Febrero, para que sus nombres sean incluidos en la tarjeta que enviaremos a Jorge Enrique con motivo de su cumpleaños.

Gracias por su participación.


Join Us in a SPECIAL Birthday Gift for Jorge Enrique Abello
DEADLINE: February 20, 2004

It’s time to show our admiration and affection for Jorge Enrique, and what better way than with a gift from the heart. The plan is to make a donation to UNICEF (Colombia) in his name. Jorge Enrique, because of his great love and commitment to the welfare of the children of Colombia, has been named as a FRIEND OF UNICEF. It’s very easy to make a donation:

You can make a deposit to UNICEF’s CitiBank Account, 0012 70 30 31, and forward the deposit slip to UNICEF Colombia’s headquarters at 57 1 321 0620.

Or, even easier, you can make a free call to their Call Center, from anywhere in the world, at their number 01 8000 9191 866 and authorize a contribution with your debit or credit card.

We know that Jorge Enrique will be touched by this gift, and what better time than now to help these children, no matter how big or small the contribution. What matters is that the donations will be used for their benefit and care.

If you decide to make a contribution, please send us your name and the amount of the donation so that we can include it in a special birthday card we will send to Jorge Enrique.

Thanks for your participation!!






By xrspook @ 18:35:28 归类于: 烂日记





小学,和同学在一起的时间甚至多于父母。在那个对知识极端渴求的时代,每一堂课都是个向未知世界发出的挑战,天天都在渴望,对于那些自己连做梦都想不到的东西觉得1000/100的神奇。小学时候的集体,自己的印象是很模糊的。但有一点我十分清晰,就是在评文明班的时候集体和个人就极端的明显了。还记得以前评文明班里有个经典的项目——“开火车”(one by one)背《新三字经》或《三字歌》,当校长来检查的时候一个背不出来就大问题了。












By xrspook @ 12:39:00 归类于: 论尽

Authorization, it's an important thing we must obey on internet. Provided we have found some information from other websites and use it in ours, we must leave the address the original website. It's a simple thing but very important. And do it is very easy, however, if you forget to make such mark you will get trouble.

When I was a freshman of internet surfer, I ignore those kinds of authorization, but now, I have realized the necessary of it We are not just do it as we like, moreover we must do it without and hesitate. Because not everyone can stand his/her productions appear anywhere without writing his/her name on it. They mind it very much, so before we use their production we must inform his/her. Not before getting his/her permission, we can't use it freely in public, complete with your own website or public in any other website and paper. Although I don't care if my work was published without my authorization, yet not everybody likes me. If I found my words in someplace I will also very surprise, but I won't annoy anyone, yet I will still feel something uncomfortable. Think about myself, I can understand of other authors. So I respect others authorization when publishing some information in internet.

Maybe you won't understand why I say this, and now I give you the example which just happened yesterday in this website: http://jorgeenriqueabello.net/foro/viewtopic.php?t=347 (The original website is in Spanish, you can translate it into English by this: http://www.freetranslation.com/free/web.htm ) Katerina Anhel published a new post in that forum to inform us that she had put the videos in her website. And the author of the video who is also the owner of that forum replied Katerina Anhel that she (Katerina Anhel) had done something that overpassed her (Martha) authorization. Because the videos were made by Martha, and she had put them in http://www.jorgeenriqueabello.net/GaleriadeVideos.htm . though Katerina Anhel has put the videos in her own place: http://jorgeeabello.fanklub.hu/tvmusorok.html yet she still devalued Martha’s work. From here we know, some authors very mind of their authorization. I don't mean that it's not good for them to protect their own rights, they very justify. If we didn't want to get any trouble, we just need to put the original address in the page you publish, that's all.

Katerina Anhel and some friends in Hungary maybe have the same habits as me in some aspects, such as I translate the some Spanish essays into Chinese and they translate those essays into Hungarian. Now I'm very taking care of the addresses of original resource, though I do the translation, and the characters of the essays are different from the original one, I will also put the address at the head of my work to show the original authorization. However, after reading many essays from some Hungarian friends’ website, it seemed they still didn't form the habits of leaving the original address. A lot of Spanish friends had reminded them time to time, however, they seem still. I didn't want to blame anyone; nevertheless I still think taking care of others authorization is very important, we can't ignore it. Ignore it is not right! We must respect others just as others respect us.

I did a foolish thing yesterday, so I feel a little guilty now. It seemed I had done something to go along with Katerina Anhel and her great job. Because I really didn't know Martha had put those videos in her website before. Because of my incaution, I behaved very silly. So sorry, I didn't mean to. I think the God will forgive my ignorance, and hope she will forgive me too.

Authorization is important in anywhere, we must respect others anytime.



By xrspook @ 22:00:00 归类于: 论尽

Education In China (publish on weekend)

By xrspook @ 0:38:24 归类于: 想当年的作业

There are lots of differences between China and foreign countries, complete with culture, economy and personal psychology. So Chinese education should learn from foreign good principles and make some that adjust to the nowday situation in China.

It's known to all that Chinese education is using "quality education" principle. But does it really work? In fact, the academic achievement still means "all quality". In short, people just realize the important of IQ, but pay little attention to the EQ's development.

After known the principles about parents and teachers at Hyde School, I think at this point, we should learn from them. We really overlook the communication among parents to parents. In China, we're carrying out the birth control, as a result, maybe most of families just have a child. In my opinion, the parents without many teaching experience, so they must exchange more with others, share their idea of how to guide the children.

Secondly, Chinese education system have to improve its principles of students. Because the students are the only child of their families, consequently, more or less they will be selfish and don't know how to concern others. This will directly affect the development of their EQ. I'm personally thinking that a good method to improve this is group life. Let children live together, and the details fo daily life will change them bit by bit automatically. Of cours, during this process, teachers and parents should give them correct guidance. In a word, group life means to send students to boarding school not to enhance the hours at normal school. With too many "care" from parents, children can't grow up and stand by themselves. Group life can cultivate their teamwork spirit.

I deeply hope the Chinese education system can be improved. The thought fo "The point (academic achievement) is student's life" must be replaced. Beyond IQ, we also need high EQ, if we want to be a manager of the violent competing world.

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