
The Power of Love

By xrspook @ 20:00:08 归类于: 烂日记

We lost the tug of war in the third round, but all of us feel the power of love. We are willing to lose all our own. We are stronger, stronger than our shape. Now I know why we have power to confront so many difficulties in the past, that’s because we have the power of love. With strong mind, we could overcome all kinds of devil.

After reading the first paragraph, you must think I am talking about the air with no sense. However, the incident really unites us, and made me feel warm. I am really comfortable in this collectivity. At the very beginning of this year, I have made a vow to god that I could join in a team, and now my dream came true. I realize that I have been in that team for more than a year. The members are around me more than 4 days a week, and the team I wanted to join is Class Three of Food Science and Engineering 2004. The golden fruit is in my hand and I didn’t realize for more a year, just like a blind, a deaf, and a dumb.

The accident is here:

After losing the tug of war, all of us were used up, though we have pulled out all our energy in physics, and the strong faith with stick we up for a long time seemed disappeared suddenly.  The goddess of victory was no long at our side. I didn’t want to say anything, neither my classmates. We told us maybe that is a good way to release, tomorrow we wouldn’t need to think about the semifinal and maybe the final war any more. We could enjoy our P.E. class tomorrow afternoon, and do what we what to do at night.

Suddenly, one of my female classmates didn’t feel well. She was having a whirling sensation and a tendency to fall. The situation became severe second by second. Some of us knew the reason — she is carrying the plan of losing weight, so her meal is less than usual and the most important thing is she drank a yoghourt instead of eating a formal dining tonight. Low blood sugar is the biggest murder. At the very beginning, we thought we should let her have a great meal and the problem would be solved. But this time the devil was really there! Just after walking for a short way, she couldn’t move any longer. She should drink glucose at once! After a little chaos, I run out of the crowd and run out of the playground. I kept running down the brae, our canteen is just there. During this time, a thought strived on me, I must be quick, or a life must be in danger. I asked the seller in a loud voice that did you have anything with high sugar; my classmate is in low sugar. She was shock in while and skims the drinking again and again, and didn’t make any choice. In such situation, I run again, I know where have the glucose drinking — the dormitory supermarket. I rushed to the frozen sucker and picked out the glucose drinking then paid money in a short time. Thank goodness there are too many people at that time.

In the way back, I had seem a crowd was coming, that should be my classmates. We came closer and closer, I saw she was on the shoulder of one of my male classmate. And the others were just around them. We are very anxiety. Do you have feeling now? Do you feel better? I didn’t know what had happen. And then she started to drink the glucose, sitting at the side of road. I could see how anxiety of my classmates. After a while, she felt better, and our team moved to the dormitory hospital together. After she lay on the bed, we could take a breath, because at least now she was still OK. I heard the news when I left to buy the drink, she even lost her feeling, the girls was in a confusion, and then they called back the boys (after the tug of war, they had left). Somebody fell into faint!!! They shouted at the photo. And you can imagine what expression would on their face. They came back, and moved to hospital with a crowd.

I witnessed the beginning and the end. I feel I’m not alone. They really will help you in necessary. I’m sure of that. And that’s the power of love. And today is 03-08, Women’s Day, and the Girls Day in our university. I won’t forget 2006-03-08 forever; it must be one of the most important parts of my whole life.



By xrspook @ 19:40:26 归类于: 烂日记




但在回家的路上,一个人独处的时候越发难受。闭上眼睛也不是,睁开更是痛。不知道发生了什么。知道刚才吃饭之前,能明显看出眼睛是肿了起来,但自己的双眼皮还是分明能看到的。但就是吃饭过后大概30分钟的光景,双眼皮已经几乎完全消失了。 如此明显的变化,爸居然一点都不知道,因为,他根本就没有看过我一眼,当我脱掉眼镜,叫他看看我的眼睛的时候,他就问了我一句:“为什么会这样?”我知道为什么就好了,其实我想要他明白的是我该不该现在就去医院看看到底发生了什么。但他给我的回答是:“休息一下……”当时我真的生气到了极点,疼的不是他,但他怎么就可以说一些好像一点都不重要的事,很想哭出来,但还是不哭的好。现在,我没有哭的本钱。



到了医院还转了个圈,嘿,正门没有开,只把那个急诊的门开了,只好从正门兜圈回到急诊的小门。挂号处护士们忙个不停,但我看到的只是那个好像是护士长手臂上的红字“ER”。然后就上了三楼,那个医生正趴在椅子上(因为他把椅背反了过来,所以是趴在椅背上)看电视,看到我的出现冷冰冰地问了一句“做咩”然后就是在那张桌子旁边不到5分钟的“查看”和开药。就这样,完工了!交钱和拿药的地方可以说是门可罗雀。这就是晚上9点,冷冷清清的大医院。急诊的诊室还是忙个车水马龙,而其它地方则 休闲得很。这就是我用1.5个眼睛看到的医院另一面,很悠闲,很冷清的一面。如果医院天天如此,都没有人有病要去看医生,该多好。




By xrspook @ 20:44:27 归类于: 烂日记








By xrspook @ 20:47:53 归类于: 烂日记






Mozart's Birthday

By xrspook @ 1:19:30 归类于: 生活之所见


Mozart Birthday


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