

By xrspook @ 23:49:54 归类于: 烂日记


EcoModa 第十五集













By xrspook @ 22:12:49 归类于: 烂日记






在那里上网算不上很快,不过能上SCAU和我喜欢的外国网就够了。最要紧的是能用eMule,而且是高ID,我终于成功了!找到了可以下载的地方。虽然我的那些Yo soy Betty la Fea还是要靠“时间长”来取胜,不过能下就好,我可不管用多少时间。

中午同学的电脑就几乎成了我的电脑,马上用BT下载了《妙手仁心Ⅲ》的36,37,38,39,速度厉害,不到1.5钟头就全部搞定,兄弟有些可是200多MB一集的啊!而我喜欢的eMule也不甘示弱,最高速度单个文件飞到150KB/S,当然,那是在那个试验文件的种数达到差不多40的情况下,至于我的那些拥有率很低的Yo soy Betty la Fea连队也很难排,更不用说下载。不够看到不是低ID,和那个进度条是蓝色我已经很高兴啦!


天,果然没有亏待我,我的付出是有收获的。我当时不知道我能收获多少,我只是尽力去做,结果就成功了。你能想像,导纳感我砍刀那个成绩的时候我是多么的兴奋,它是我上个学期最高的成绩,也是我付出时间最多的非主科作业,用在那里的心思是无法用时间去衡量的,当然里面还有很多很多的汗水和友谊,还包括那些一个个构思不眠的夜。如今我成功了,我要感谢给我帮助的所有人,特别是sunfruitsfish,thank you very much!!!!




I'm a Human Beings

By xrspook @ 16:13:00 归类于: 烂日记

I’m a human beings, so I have a lot of human feeling. I have a human heart, so I will be move easily, even will cry for something. As a result, I will easily do something because some one ask me to do that.

Though my face and my body shape give others that I’m a very brave girl, just like a boy, in fact, on contract, I’m still a little girl, and easily be treated and kidded. You can say I just have a strong shape but soft inside. No matter what, that’s mine. And won’t be changed.

From outside, I want to be more strong, I don’t want to lose face in front of anyone. Some one says computer and mathes are the empire of boys. I don’t think so, with enough hard work and confidence, we girls also can do a good job at it. I hate that girls who say they are stupid of computer, so they can do very bad at that terrbitory. In my opinion, that’s excuses. I don’t want to be lose before doing one’s umost. If I exert my strength and still fail, I won’t give up as well, do it again, and believe the hope is out there. It’s waiting for anyone to find out. In that situation, I will struggle all day long, including sleeping.

Still remember the days design the website. I’m sure I know nothing, nobody will give me a hand. However, even at  that time, I have a lot of helpers. Knowledges like endless in internet, and the question is whether you can get it and learn.

I’m personally thinking that learning something is not decided by whether you have remembered it but whether you can use it without thinking. You learn something because you have to use it, so you are eager to do it. Learning something is not for having a test or academic achievement  or want to boast in front of some one you hatest. Learing something si a desire, learning something is you want to do it very eagerly. As a result, you will have endless power to achieve to the end no matter how big the difficult is. That’s mine. I want to search, I want to explore, I want to find out, I want to…

Because, I am a human beings, that’s a nobody in the world, in asia, in China, in Guangzhou, in SCAU and in the brain of a little girl.


Bowling Day

By xrspook @ 19:08:26 归类于: 烂日记

Today I had no classes this afternoon, so four classmates and I went to play bowling.

The sun is shinning, however, all the bird have shut up, do you know why? Because it’s too hot. Wandering on the Zi Jing Road (In fact, it’s a bridge between the East Teaching Part and the main part of SCAU). I was just like an egg on a oil pan, and I was suitable to eat very soon. The road to bowling was an hard work , we were not going to play, we were going to hell step by step. I think, we were killing ourselves at that moment. Waiting buses was also terrible. Standing there, noi wind but shine, I really wanted to find a hole hide in it and never come out. I don’t mind some one thinks I’m a lazy bone, I care nothing, I just want to be comfortable. At that situation, no one could have a good heart to think about others but themselves. I think, at that time my hormone must be very high. If somebody forces me doing  something, I will kill him/her at once without any hesitate. 

Now, talking about the bowling play.

Before this, I don’t think I was too poor to playing such P.E., but now, I realized everything. Just as what I have said, I wanted to dig a hole and then hiding in it and never came out. I was a completely loser.

Still remember when I went to play bowling, I was at primary school, together with classmates and teacher, we really had a good time. However, I had forgotten how bad I was playing at that moment. I’m glad that I was so innocent when I was a little child.

Playing bowling seems a hard work to me, almost all the balls touch nothing and went to channel at once. Of course, it meant I had no point, so I was a very stupid failer. And the worse thing was I hurt my thumb as well. Am I a fool? Because my motion was wrong, so having such a poor result. I could complain nobody but myself. The wound seemed a little horrible for others at that time, but in fact, it’s just little pain, I almost have no feeling about it.

Bowling day means boiling day???


Birthday Eve

By xrspook @ 22:29:00 归类于: 烂日记

It’s very late now, isn’t it? Because today is birthday eve, of course, it’s not my turn, the birthday is belong to my roommate, and the date is tomorrow. I don’t know what I have written right now. I’m not wirtting Chinese or English, what I have done? Who know?

Tonight we went to Pizza Hut and had a great meal. We had been there for about two and a half hours. Why we could spend such a long time, nobody knows. The happy time always like flying away very quickly. Compare with the Mark’s economy classes at this afternoon, the evening we were in the heaven, however, the afternoon we were in the hell. Just as the ads of Pizza Hut: Happy hours Pizza Hut. We really very enjoyed ourselves there. Not only the food but also teh atmosphere, and the most important thing is we having happy emotion that moment.

It’s the second time for me to go to Pizza Hut, and I still remember the first time that my mother took me there, though the price seemed a little terrible for us, yet we also had a good time. That meal gave me a deep impression. It’s the first time I ate pizza in a western feelings restaurant. It’s delicious, but I still remembered that my mother said we wouldn’t go there again unless I earned money by myself, and at that time, it’s my turn to bring her there to have another great impression again. I’m sure that day won’t be long for her and me…

Return to my happyhours tonight: Three of us did  a good job about making a wonderful salad hill. We were green hand to do that, however, at that time, an heroine came out, and taught us some ways to make the salad became a "hill". And we know now, te more youu want to get, the flatter you must make it be. With stable base, the hill can be more higher and bigger, it heard very easy, in fact, without any experiment, no one will automatcially realize such an easy principle. Thank Godness!

The happyhours has gone, now I must face my endless homework again…

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