

By xrspook @ 18:00:34 归类于: 烂日记

The Last Battle

It’s time to fire! Time is now 18:00, there’s still 13 hours away, and then the last battle will begin! ARE YOU READY?! No matter what, fire as fierce as you can. You are not a soldier professionally that can’t be your excuse. You fight for nobody but yourself. You must keep your fame and then fire! I should be sure this must be my last battle, I couldn’t fall into this hell again next time, I hate is, hate the exam, hate this kind of English which I had to do my best to confront with endless question paper and countless "error". It must be my last battle which I can’t be lose, however, it seemed talking about it at this time were a little early, nevertheless, I want to show my ambition as a fighter. The soldier without confidence can’t win.

Once upon a time, I was the hope of everyone; however, I lost their heart in the last battle of my childhood. But now, I’m arming in the edge of battle field again. Whether I would be the death or survivor,that’s still a question. Till now, I have taken on as many weapons as I can, why I can’t win? I want to survive and win; I should reach the golden medal of this battle, for I have devoted a lot, including time and energy. If I’m dead, who else can still instead?!

I’m really frightening. Nobody will feel happy in front of horrible battle. To be or not to be, that’s the question, however, it’s more easy for me to answer than Hamlet, because I the controller of my fate. I have done what I could do, then what can I be afraid.

The nightmare is coming, and the battle will begin not far away.

Now, I’m ready!

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