
Miracle Happen

By xrspook @ 22:08:48 归类于: 烂日记

Miracle happen, but good or bad? It’s decided by ourselves. The unthinkable things happened again and again.

First, 3:26AM, my ex-serviceman teacher sent a message to me. And something wrong with the message, so after a few minutes, I got the second one, and the third one, all of them were the same. I don’t know why he would appear when I was busy, and made me into embarrassing.

And then, miracle appeared again. The high mathimatic examination was so terrible. At first sight I was open my mouth and couldn’t close for a long time. Too difficult, it’s a horrible dream. All the people who had exam told me the exams were very easy, but… Yesterday, I thought I would make a math miracle today, acturelly, it made me to accept a bad mircale.

Till right now, the third miracle happened. There’s no electric again. I heard some screams at once. In Guangzhou, in such a big city, if often hasn’t electric in my Wushan Apartment. The name doesn’t match the fact at all. However, the good new was it returned to normal after a while.

In a day, three mircales happened, but I never ate kidder eggs!!!

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