
Sleep! Sleep! Sleep!

By xrspook @ 21:51:43 归类于: 烂日记

Make a plan is so easy, but let it come true is another. Every time  we think a lot of impossible dream and hope it come true without any hard work. But now, I know just a possible thing, if you don’t have strong desire, it is still a daydream, especially in cold winter.

Every night I told myself I must get up early tomorrow morning to review my text book, but when the other day came, the sun rise and the ray came onto my bed, I always told myself I would sleep a little longer. And the poor thing is the "a little longer" means I miss a great time- a whole morning. Today, I got up at 11:00 AM, though I had read my books in bed for about 45 minutes, yet where was my other time? Is it gone with the wind?

Also today I had heard a song "Stop! Stop! Stop!" three times. And now I think I must change it a little into "Sleep! Sleep! Sleep!" to explain what I have done today!!!

Time is over but nothing I have done…

When I want to catch it, it has flow away…

This year I have 20 years old, but what I have done?

Without wasting so much time, what will I be?

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