

By xrspook @ 23:53:34 归类于: 烂日记



* Alberto Del Rio opens up SmackDown talking about Edge, Christian and WrestleMania. Edge drives a tow truck out and has Del Rio’s car from WrestleMania on it. Teddy Long comes out and announces Christian vs. Del Rio will take place tonight with the winner facing Edge at Extreme Rules in a Ladder Match.

* Big Show, Kofi Kingston, Kane and Santino Marella beat The Corre in a 2 of 3 Falls Match. Kofi pinned Justin Gabriel first, Wade Barrett pinned Santino second and the third fall came when The Corre was DQ’d for attacking Kane.

* Cody Rhodes beat Trent Baretta and worked him over until Rey Mysterio made the save.

* Segment with Edge and Christian talking about the possibility of facing each other at Extreme Rules in a Ladder Match.

* Promo for Sin Cara.

* Kelly Kelly and Beth Phoenix beat LayCool. Layla got pinned when Michelle McCool wasn’t there. Tension between them after the match.

* Jack Swagger and Michael Cole come out. Cole brags about WrestleMania. Sin Cara comes out, runs to the ring and takes out Swagger.

* Segment with LayCool. Layla has signed them up for therapy.

* Alberto Del Rio beat Christian in the main event to earn a World Title shot at Extreme Rules in a Ladder Match against Edge. This was better than their previous match.

看了第一段,我心酸了,那是WrestleMania XXVII的揭幕WHC头衔战留下来的痛。看到第一段最后一句时我激动了,必须的!这是WM27欠ADR的,欠SD的,欠所有摔迷的!WM的WHC剧情本该在WM前展开,但偏偏……不过这可能是ADR的destiny,因为预兆早就明摆着了,地球人都能看出来(请移步到IWD见识那种壮烈)。不过是我们一直被那个heel自吹的“destiny”欺骗掉而已,但heel讲大话可是家常便饭。我老说我不在乎胜负,但其实我在乎,从2011-02-20 WWE PPV Elimination Chamber 2011赢了Kofi Kingston后没有赢过一场比赛,其中包括Smackdown或Raw播出的Single或Tag Team Match(共6场)以及Smackdown的Dark Main Event Match(共6场),直到昨天,Raw里他终于赢了一个无关痛痒的Evan Bourne,43天的囧期啊!但即便如此,即便如此,他SD顶级heel的地位从未动摇,即便连输,他的Power25排位仍在前十。

继续说剧透,直接跳到最后主战赛部分,看到那句“This was better than their previous match.”我激动了!必须的,必须的,这就是我们想看到的!!!连输后我们看到了连赢,其实呢不过是一次背靠背的胜利而已,但我却居然激动了。还记得他WWE debut(2010-08-20)后到Rey Mysterio放假回来前(2010-10-08)的49天里,他没有输过,不过其实也只进行了3场Smackdown录影赛,一场Supershow而已,那时我们还很期待到底谁会终结这个傲慢的heel呢。不过,最重要的是,他和CC打出了更精彩的比赛,我喜出望外,这就是我要证明的,他的确是个不错的摔角手!



看过WM27之后,我觉得Vince McMahon毁掉了摔角,毁掉了未来们。就ADR而言,自从出现以来,他的推就没有少过,其实没有真正出场就已经在狠推了,但为什么,在最最重要的WrestleMania要他惨败,要他失比赛、失腰带、失名车、失面子呢?!可以说,Vince用猛药把这个heel突然放倒了。Vince为什么要这样做呢?ADR得罪了高层?Vince顿悟他信错人了?No,现在我越发强烈地觉得这是个苦肉计!既然明推不行,那就暗助呗。ADR的问题是摔角手本人的各种能力已经很出众,公司也推得很给力了,但观众不卖账,观众觉得那只是推出来的,他们觉得其他的摔角手更应受到力捧的待遇,对这个窜红的角色,他们不太在乎。他赢也好,输也罢,不过是高层的决策而已。于是,老谋深算的Vince就下猛药了,让所有人都不自觉地产生恻隐之心,当你有点同情的同时让摔角手在擂台上继续缓慢升级爆发。不是人人都能说升级就升级,就像某些人,你给他再好的机会和再多的时间他就那水平,好比赛不是吹出来的,但对ADR,我很放心。这个一张一弛的手段很自然会让人觉得那人虽然恶心、罪有应得,但他在WM27上也算是吃到了教训,而且,他摔得还不错嘛。


feud不能滥用,FM也不能,显然Cross Armbreaker不是不给力,是滥用了,用烂了,于是到关键时候就起不了作用了,我们千呼万唤着崭新的非sub FM的诞生。


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