
Un Rayo En La Oscuridad

By xrspook @ 18:29:05 归类于: 烂日记

The title mean "a ray in the dark (sky)" , it’s a last sentence of "San Francisco y El Lobo". It’s really raining hard now!!! Time is now 6:17PM. If it’s normal day, the sun should one the sky, but now, I just can see coutless rain. The sky is gray, sooner or later, a ay appears and after a few seconds, the horrible noise will together with it.

The scenery of ray in the sky seem great!!! It’s very spectacular, and it’s the power of nature. In meantime, the noise after if always makes a flood of people afraid, especially the girls. So I often see this funny seenery, the ray appears, and the girls looks very fear, and then the enorous noise comes our, and at the same time, the girls make their own terrible noise too – screammmmm!!! It’s the combination fo the nature and human being, the miracle of them.

Why not can we enjoy it!!! Why we can’t stop for a while and enjoy the ray, teh thumder and the rain. Believe it’s teh super power of nature. Un Rayo En La Oscuridad is great thing. Enjoy it!!!

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