
Chatting Online-My Most Rewarding Experience(publish on weekend)

By xrspook @ 11:54:00 归类于: 想当年的作业

Whether you will believe or not, my first experience of online chatting was very magic. I won’t forget it all of my life, and I will very proud of that, though maybe it was really very funny.
I don’t know Spanish, and the people chatted with me don’t know English. She is in Zaragoza, Spain. We both had to use translate machine, I translated English into Spanish, and she did the opposite thing. Though it really very discommodious, we had the same habit. So the language wasn’t a problem at all. On the contrary, it became a bridge to link us together. MSN Message is a live chatting machine, but China and Spain have different time zone, and is 6 hours. So I had to get up 4 o’clock in morning to meet my friends.

Maybe this chatting was really a hart work, but I am worth to do that, from which I reap a lot. The most rewarding was that I could talk with new people naturally. At first, I still had a little nervous. The live chatting machine required me reaction at once, or I will miss a lot, so I had no time to be nervous. English is not my native language, but I must use it freely to express my thought, it was not easy.

Secondly, chatting online made me brave. Whether the words and the sentences are right or wrong, at the very beginning you have to write, and let others know. In my opinion, grammars are not important things, if you write the things by heart, other will know them. Of course, if you just what to practice your language, you have to use it very carefully, but I think many people chatting online just share their feeling and thought. If your words can move people and let them make a resonance, that’s enough.

Thirdly, this kind of chatting let us open our eyes to see the whole world, from which we can learn a lot of things that we can’t reap from books or TV. The problem of geography distance solve immediately. Some years ago, if some ask me online chatting is a good thing or a bad thing, I would answer it without thing- bad thing, because at that time I just could see if people online chatting they wouldn’t chatting face to face. Face to the cold computer instead of bloody person, the relation will become farer and farer. But after I begin my online chatting, I changed my thought completely. Think about it, if online chatting do not exist, how can I talk with my Spanish friend, how I can make such a friend. Am I really had to write letters? But how can we get in touch for the first time? How I will know there is a person in the other part of the world has the same habit as me? All these convenience are brought from online chatting. At the same time, we have to have self-control; we can’t use online chatting instead of our really face-to-face chatting.

That is all my experience of online chatting.



By xrspook @ 1:23:18 归类于: 烂日记

好久没有完整地看JEA演戏了,都是一个个剧照和短得可怜的几分钟的或是质量极差的片段。今天,终于有可以完整的Anita, no te rajes Capítulo 2的全集,由开头主题曲到下集预告都完整无缺,而且质量很好,和在电视上看的高质量没半点区别,好久没有这么爽过了。对上那次是看EcoModa Capítulo 1.rm,已经很好,这次更好是.rmvb文件,这东东也花了我很多很多的时间,下载它用了十多天的时间共100多MB。

说回JEA吧,不知是以前的剧情不需要还是以前没有经验什么的,反正,JEA多了很多很可爱的表情,如果这样子发展下去的话,可能他的面部表情迟早会超过演《变相怪杰》的Jim Carry。有两个镜头是Eduardo看着Anita就呆了,想beso她的镜头都很搞笑,想那么做,但都停住了,就是没干下去。第一个是Anita在飞机上喝醉后, Eduardo把她抱起,吃力地放在床上,然后不知是不够力还是顺势,然后就做出第一个想beso的动作。第二个更是离谱,是Anita在为Eduardopapá擦船,Eduardo叫她,她听着音乐听不到,于是Eduardo就去拍她肩膀,然后又是一个搞笑片段,她顺势向后倒,然后Eduardo就把她整个人抱了起来,又是face to face,想beso又没有。足足看着时间,抱了20秒钟,两人都在发呆。最后一个超超搞笑的片段就是Eduardo晨跑,衣服的汗好笑,以前说过这就不说了,搞笑的是普通的跑步,JEA却以像被人追杀一般用100米冲刺的速度出现,然后做出好长一段心理活动的动作和表情,我觉得这最考演员了,比演打电话更难。(请看剧照Anita, no te rajes Capítulo 2

期待JEAAnita, no te rajes,我会尽力全看,并望JEA的演技继续提升。

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