
Think About It

By xrspook @ 18:30:53 归类于: 烂日记

For a long time expect, I had my computer experiment classes at last today. I can’t describemy excited about it. Yet, that’s all my good dream.

Open the computer and double click the IE, "The Page Can’t Be Open." and checked the connect of the net.. So poor, didn’t connect. Don’t be so foolish, I’m in SCAU, a normal computer classroom of university, why I can surf online? Why the school spent so much for its students to satisfy their endless full expect? That’s reasonable, I have thought it before. 

And then, checked the software it has installed. So poor, all the Micosoft Office software had installed except Frontpage. Meanwhile, it had installed Flash MX and Authorware but Dreamweaver. How can it do that! Dreamweaver is also the self-choose learning software in our text book. In a word, none website building software are exist. I wanted to break the computer or kill the teacher at once. They are kidding me! They broke my heart!!!!

Checking out the capability of the computer… Horrible, all the computers are CPU 2.8GB at that classrooms, and all of them are original Dell computer. They are not only fun to me, but also wasted the resource of the school!!!!!

So, at last, I typed my diaries into computer and asked my classmate to copy them away from me. It’s waste my time, I knew. But what can I do except it? I spent almost one hour and a half to do my typing. And then use about 10 minutes to play the Flash MX(English version), also about 10 minutes with the software I have be a little familiar- Photoshop. The time for me to open such big software is very short, so you can imagine the high quality of the computer there.

But why, why they don’t install website building software there. I need it, I like it, I enjoy it, and they are my life.

The noon is almost past.

And the diary si almost to the end.

It’s time to say goodbye.

Why? Why? Why is doesn’t have website building software!!!!

The teacher, can you think about the feeling of your students????????

1 条评论

  1. Denmark


    xrspook 对 Denmark 的回复: 2005-03-25 20:35:28
    呜呜呜~~~~就是嘛,居然连Frontpage都删掉了,看见Micosoft那里就是怎么没有Frontpage,然后看到Micosoft外面有个叫做Micosoft Frontpage的文件夹,是空的。

    它真可恶,Flash MX都装了,是英文版,为什么就不装Dreamweaver呢?要是没有序列号,同学们有的是啊!我们其中一个自选实验就是用Dreamweaver制作网页,他们做事都从来不顾我们的感受。还是高中的电脑室好,虽然机子烂得不能再烂,但是里面的软件肯定是最新最好的,可以说什么都有。(当然啦,大家当时对编程类的没兴趣,所以就没有了)

    不过他们真的很变态,机房大约有一层,30多间,然后一间的电脑大约都是50台,全部清一色Dell,还要是2.8GB CPU的,投资吓死人!!!不过这都是烟雾,是去年做出来给评估专家看的。除了我们的机房,所有课室的电脑也都是清一色Dell,性能当然比机房的要好,还能随时能上网,网速也是惊人(不知能不能上外国的,不过中国的就很快,无论什么网站)。虽然如此,不过我还是不敢在课余时间在教室上网。不过真的很想去试试,说真的,以我这样的胆量,究竟是不会发生。


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