
Be Alone

By xrspook @ 18:21:11 归类于: 烂日记

Because of some incorrect decision the past, China has to carry out birth control since 1980s. Maybe the people around I have to fall in the same situation — have to be alone. We have no brother or sister, after the parents have gone to work, we have to be solitary.

I was learning the essay "Choose to Be Alone on Purpose" in the English class today. It’s talking about the people devote himself to loneliness, and are very enjoy that moment. During reading, I was really confused. They did their best to get away from others in purpose, in this way to inspirit their feel especially for poets and philosophers. They create atmosphere to be alone, however, I have to face the solitude by myself time after time. Why? Can’t they enjoy the day with family or friends? It’s very happiness that you have someone to talk to. What the poets they write for? The Nature? The theory of life? Without people to share the poets or theory, all of them will lose their shine, and become no use. In short, I personally thinking that we don’t work for God or ourselves, we live for others. The reason we still here in the world is to make it better for others. Can’t we get away from them?!

In my opinion, though many people were alone, they are divorced, widowed or even live in the woods which is far from other. They are not solitude. Solitude is a feeling that you feel very depress because of alone. No body wants to be solitude, for that’s a bad emotion for us. Nevertheless, we could enjoy the moment when we are alone. For this, we could stretch out our soul until it fills up the whole room, and use your freedom, coming and going as you please without apology.

As everybody known, the population of the earth was blooming, the place of everybody was reducing second by second. Could you find a place where you are alone? In such situation, did the poets and philosophers can think out and new idea anymore? We should change as time goes by.

Solitude is not where we expected to be, but for the time being we might as well go home. Anyway, there is no place like home.

2 条评论

  1. irene

    Spring is here, I like the color you chosed.

    In my opinion, the solitude the poets seek for is outside their body. So that they can concentrate into their mind, their thoughts. The information we can reach is much more than we can absorb, everyone’s being pushing by unknown press, in the situation, it’s difficult to slow down you steps and listen to your heart. I myself sometime want to be alone also, especially when I was swamped into crowd.
    xrspook 对 irene 的回复: 2006-03-22 21:05:46
    To be or not to be alone, that depends on yourself.

  2. wis

    As a commam man, we do not need to think too much.
    xrspook 对 wis 的回复: 2006-03-22 21:07:02
    I’m really agree with you, living with our style, that’s enough.


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