
Lift & Short Drop

By xrspook @ 17:20:41 归类于: 烂日记

The final examination of this semester is lift and short drop. My partner and I must one play the short drop and the other lift it, again and again, until the teacher asks us to stop, and then change the role of both. All of this, including deep high service is just the basic skill of badminton. And just a moment before, I learn some profession words of badminton in English. You can learn it from here: http://asafin.vicp.net/asabc/dispbbs.asp?boardID=8&ID=16

If you want to be a good player of badminton, you must know how to take advantage your wrist. I think it’s important than other in badminton. And of course, the footwork is important too. Compared with tennis, you should move quickly, and the max speed of badminton now in the world is also high than tennis. When the ball drops on the course of tennis, you still have a little time to service return, but in the course of badminton, if the shuttle drop on your course, you have lose this point. You should be more dedicated, the little movement of opponent maybe meaningful.

And now, I found out a little that if you want to do a good job in badminton, but without any footwork skill, that must be a great problem. You can move to the place in time, in short, just the lost will wait for you. So you can see if someone really learns badminton professionally, he/she must pay a lot of time in footwork practice. In the eye of laical, I think the footwork of badminton just like the footwork of fence. And sometime I will think, I wasn’t gripping a bat but sword, but I didn’t hit others but the badminton was badly hurt. I don’t know fence at all, and I am not good at badminton as well. I am just an everyman, and I can find the happiness of take part in many kinds of sport, that’s enough. I have dreamed to be a professional player on the court, playground or other space of professional field.

Life and short drop, that’s my new target of this term!

1 条评论

  1. charles

    我觉得好搞笑 我输入院楼316 然后就跑来你的blog了 哈哈
    xrspook 对 charles 的回复: 2006-03-10 18:12:30


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