
Blow Me Away

By xrspook @ 17:17:48 归类于: 烂日记

How big the wind now! And what a high temperature this afternoon! I want to do nothing, I don’t know how to write and what can I speak out. There’s nothing in my head. I know this month I have plenty of projects to finish, while now, what should I do?

I should listen to more and more English, and do a large number of reading comprehensions, of course you can’t leave the endless words which are in the CET-4 order we should know, yet what about my Food Chemistry paper, and the experiment reports? After NCRE, I have much more problems to solve one by one. The training class of ISO9001& HACCP and the English competition are coming. Am I really a person after all. Is this the meaningful life of a sophomore? I don’t think so. What about my own time? I’m not a free person, but a robot, instead. Why I should work hard then get one after another certificate? As everybody known, the purpose we get certificate just similar to the reason that we work for money. A dream of better life, and a more comfortable days in future make me be in trouble hence we did so much painful thing now. You don’t know why you sit here in the dorm to write down so much, however, beyond this, what you could do?

Blow me away please. Please clean my head and rebuild my mind, Mother Nature. We should have our own goal and work for it, nevertheless, now I have just lost my compass to continue my navigation. Blow me away, from the trouble to the peaceful place. I don’t care how hard the life will be, yet please give me the reason that why I was in such situation.

Writing meaningless essay was not my own style, yet please forgive me, I don’t know what to say just now really. Blow away, please blows away my grey mind.

1 条评论

  1. fengyjq

    xrspook 对 fengyjq 的回复: 2006-04-05 16:54:50


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